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  1. I need to print each row in seperate page but i am using jasper studio how can i do that
  2. I am using jasper soft studio, I want to add serial number for each row in table , I used "column count" built in variable for it , but the problem with it is that when table exceed to next page count again start with number 1 , meanz value is increementing only on single page, please give me solution for it , thanks in advance.
  3. I am geeting error "Incremental Bidirectional dataset". I am using two chart in summery band then its working fine.but I want to add these in detail band because i want to use page footer. I am using page footer in summery band then it showing page footer only single page. Can you please tell how can i solve this problem.
  4. Can we do this by customizing the jsp files. (in webapp) because the reports will generated dynamically in Adhoc Views
  5. Hi All, I want to add a default image logo at bottom, how can I add footer for adhoc reports (created using adhoc views) Thanks in Advance
  6. Suppose I have Two organization Like A and B. I am uisng Different Datasource for Both organization.I have created few domains in Organization A. Now I want to use these domain for B organization. Then I need to update all the schema according to the B organization manually.suppose I have many organization with different user then want to do same things for all organization. It will take more time.Is there any other way to do this.
  7. I have created a main report and I have created a sub report element in main report.after It I have created sub report uisng create a new report and set parameter for this.should I need to add any thing so that I can run report using sub report element because I am not unable to run report.
  8. I have a main report with 2 chart Pro (Bar) graph and 3 tables.When I run this report then it show only 2 graph and one table another remaining two tables gets hide. When I click on First chart bar slice then it show a table below the chart.same when I click on second chart bar slice then it show another table below second graph.but table is overlapping with chart .Due to that not able to show data properly.Is there any other way to show a data with proper alignment.
  9. I have created a report in Adhoc View using Domain like "Requirement".But now i have done some change in this Domain.I want to Replace this from existing one.Is there any solution that I am able to change domain without any data affected in view.
  10. I have Tried this using "External Authentication Cookbook" and follow all the steps but not able to do that .I am not able to connect external database.can you please explain in brief how we can do that?
  11. I am trying to integrate SSO using External database.For this I have created external DB on postgress.in which i have created a table(user table) with follwing fields user table1.userid-bigint2.Username -charcter varying(100)3.password--charcter varying(100)4.Fullname--charcter varying(100)5.tenantid etc. Now i want to login jasper server using extenal database.means if i login jasper server using external database then it should be login successfully and redirect to home page of jasper server.can you please suggest what should i do for this?
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