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  1. I am unable to find jasperreports-functions-5.6.0.jar download can you please provide me link. I added "jasperreports-functions-5.5.0.jar" jar to build path still I am getting same problem . Thank you for reply.
  2. Did u found solution, i am also not able to get telugu while exporting.
  3. HI I am not able to get telugu language when I ran from Java Code, even I have resource properties and all. Please respond if u know the solution.
  4. I am also getting same problem even I give mathcontext i am getting this problem. Can anybody tell me the solution for this.
  5. I am also looking for same thing. Can you please send me some code that how to add columns to designed Jrxml file. Thanks,
  6. I am also having same requirement. I want to show columns based on User selection.Can you please provide me some code here
  7. I am also having same requirement. Did you solved yours . can you please help me how u solved it. Thanks
  8. Juan Martin -- Did u found solution. Can you please add some sample code here i am having this problem in DynamicReports please tell me how to remove multiple headers while exporting to excel. Thanks, Srinivas
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