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Posts posted by PantheosMax

  1. Hi everyone,

    i have a CustomDataSource that, at its core, uses a Java ArrayList. What is the correct way to cycle trough the ArrayList using the next() procedure?

    Right now, i have a simple int i, that gets incremented with each next(), and getFieldValue uses myArrayList.get(i).

    But i have Problems with NullPointerExceptions, so my question is: Which is called first? next() oder getFieldValue? I have to increment my i accordingly

  2. Hi everyone,

    sadly, i stil fail to deploy my Custom Data Source to our Jasperreports Server.

    What i did:

    I wrote an implementation of ReportDataSourceService in Java (7), that creates an implementation of JRDataSource. Added JasperReports Library + JasperServer API as external jars. Compiled as myCustomDataSource.jar nad put in WEB-INF/lib

    I created an applicationContext-myDataSource.xml and put it in WEB-INF

    I created  a myCustomDataSource_messages.properties and put it in WEB-INF/bundles

    I added "myQueryLanguage" as a "queryLanguage" property to WEB-INF/flows/queryBeans.xml (although i dont have a QueryExecuter implementation yet, but just in case)

    When i try to add a DataSource to my Server, the page just doesnt load anymore and -nothing- at all happens. No dialog at all, cant even create standard Data Sources.

    I'm, using Jaspersoft Ultimate Guide as a guideline

    Did that happen to anyone else? Can anybody point to a good ressource detailing the deployment process and / or examples?

    Will provide code if needed, just don't want to make the post too long


    Thx in advance,


  3. Is there somewhere some Example Code to demonstrate how to use the QueryExecuterFactory Interface?

    The Webscraper Example at <js-install>/samples uses the deprecated JRQueryExecuterFactory + implements JRAbstractQueryExecuter instead of JRQueryExecuter

  4. Hi Folks

    I just started using Jaspersoft and i have some comprehension questions. Using Jaspersoft Studio, i created some Reports. I made a connection to my MySQL-Server via Repository -> Data Adapter. After some testing, trial & error it worked fine and i had a report that fitted my needs. Now i want to use the report i created in my Java Application. The JasperReport Library is already installed - just added jasperreports-5.6.0.jar (and -applet-, -fonts-, -javaflow-) to the project build path. (I'm using Eclipse Kepler)


     - Do i HAVE to use a Jasper Reports Server to utilize Jasper Reports?

     - Do i have to provide a Datasource for the Report files (.jasper) or is the connection provided in Jaspersoft Studio compiled into the .jasper file?

     - Is there an up-to-date Tutorial / Guide about using Jasper Reports within a java application? I found http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/524537/example-java-program-call-jasper-report but thats 5 years old. For example, i dont really have to compile the .jrxml to .jasper, because Jaspersoft Studio already did that.

    - Is Jaspersoft Studio unusable after 30 days or is it possible to use a community edition without time limitations?


    Thx in advance.

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