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Posts posted by mbmorgan

  1. Hello everyone,

    I have someone in my company who is presenting a report to a client this afternoon. She asks: "can you please change the settings for me so that it does NOT time out if I leave the screen idle?"

    Can this be done in JR Server? I couldn't find anything about it in the documentation. Any and all assistance will be greatly appreciated.



  2. I'm only familiar with SQL, but here's something that might help:

    select Col3 from [TABLE]

    where Col1 = Data1

    and Col2 = Data2


    Note that the syntax might depend on what datasource you are using.

    Hope this helps!


  3. Hello everyone,

    Can anyone help me on how to use scriptlets? I have ZERO experience with Javascript, and I have no idea how even to get started (how do I create a JAR file, how do I build it into the report, etc). Any assistance is appreciated.



  4. Haidar,

    To build a dashboard, it helps to have an outline of want you want it to include...similar to making an outline before writing a paper. Who are the end users? What information will they need? What functionalities will they need? All those questions must be answered before you can really get started.

    As for exporting as a PDF, that can be done in Jaspersoft Studio and Jasper Reports Server.

    I hope this helps you get pointed in the right direction.

    Good Luck,


  5. Hi Mallik, I'm not sure I understand your question.


    "...but just one problem when the chart executes in the server it comes as an empty report. After chossing the data from the control the chart poopulates"


    - This is by design from when you made the input controls mandatory - the report will not populate in the JR Server until the user actually selects something in the controls for it to work with.


    Please elaborate on what exactly you want to accomplish.

  6. Hi, a few suggestions:

    "I need to create one date Input-control which will be in relation like (from date - to date. )" - This sounds like you actually need two date-based input controls, Start_Date and End_Date for example.

    In Jaspersoft Studio, make sure the date parameter is of class java.sql.Date.

    In JR Server, when you set up and edit the input control, on the "Create Input Control" page, select "Single Value" as the type (make it also Mandatory and Visible if it's necessary to run the report). Then, on the "Set the Datatype Kind and Properties Page", select "Date" as the type. You can enter optional max and min values there.

    Your report query should look something like:

    "select * from table

    where date_column >= $P{Start_Date} and date_column <= $P{End_Date}..."

    I am a new Jasper developer and I had this same problem recently. This solution is what worked for me.

    Good Luck,


  7. In regards to your comment, and further troubleshooting:

    For this input control, based on a query, you'll have to edit it and proceed to the "Set Parameter Values" page, where it instructs you to identify the value column corresponding to the parameter AND what is visible.

    For example, if your input control query is something like:

    "select distinct city from table


    then on the "Set Parameter Values" page, you have to type city under the value column, AND add it to the visible columns list.

    Good luck,


  8. Hi, I had a similar problem, and here's what worked for me.

    You'll need to put all the subreports into the Summary band. Go into the XML and key in a height for the Summary band that is sufficient to accomodate the reports (using the GUI on the design page allows you only to make the Summary band about 570 pixels high). Then you'll need to delete all other unused bands, then resize the entire report (click the top node on the outline view, then find the "edit page format" button under Properties) to accomodate ALL sections. Then add your subreports, and insert page breaks in between.

    Hope this helps!


  9. I couldn't get your attachments to open, so I may not understand your problem correctly, but I'll offer some suggestions.

    First, when you right click the report name, select "Edit", then go to "Controls & Resources." The "always prompt" box should be checked.

    Next, when you click an individual input control, the second page (":Create Input Control") will have three check boxes: Mandatory, Read-Only, and Visible. Make sure the Visible box is checked.

    Also, if you're building your report in iReport or Jaspersoft Studio, you'll need to check each parameter and see if the "Is for Prompting" box is checked.

    Hope this helps!


  10. I had a similar problem, and something like this worked for me:

    Create a variable, called something like $V{conforme_counter}, integer class, no calculation function, with expression:

    IF(EQUALS($V{correpondance}, "conforme"),1,0)...so if $V{correpondance} is "conforme", then $V{conforme_counter} has value 1, else 0.

    Then create another variable, called something like $V{conforme_counter_sum}, integer class, SUM calculation function, with expression:

    $V{conforme_counter}....this will add up all the 1s, giving you the number of "conforme" occurrences.

    Similarly, create another variable, $V{non_conforme_counter}, integer class, no calculation function, with expression:

    IF(EQUALS($V{correpondance}, "non conforme"),1,0)...so if $V{correpondance} is "non conforme", then $V{non_conforme_counter} has value 1, else 0.

    Then, create $V{non_conforme_counter_sum}  integer class, SUM calculation function, with expression:

    $V{non_conforme_counter}....this will add up all the 1s, giving you the number of "non conforme" occurrences.

    Then, in your chart (I'm assuming it's a bar chart), you'll have to create two separate series. The first you can call "conforme", and the value expression will simply be


    the second series you can call "non conforme", and its value expression will be $V{non_conforme_counter}.

    This may be possible without the use of the $V{correpondance} variable; you can key your conforme/non-conforme conditions directly into the "IF" expressions above.

    Hope this helps!


  11. I have found a way to handle this...first, go in the XML editor to change the size of the summary manually...then, adjust the sizes of the charts to my specs and insert page breaks where needed...make sure also that the sum of heights of all bands in the report does not exceed the height of the ENTIRE report, otherwise, you'll get an error and will have to adjust the page format manually also.

  12. Please pardon me if this has been addressed before and I simply haven't found it in the Wiki, but how do I go about making bar charts one to a page? I have a report with four (4) separate bar charts, and I need each one to print always on its own page and for each chart's size to fill the whole page. I have experimented with putting them all in the Summary band and adding page breaks in between, but it seems the Summary band can be expanded only to a height of 554 pixels, thus limiting how large I can make the charts. Is it possible to make the Summary band as big as I want? Should I try using subreports (currently the charts are in the main report itself), or are there size limitations with subreports? 

    Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks!


  13. Would you mind checking the query to see if the syntax is correct? I keep getting errors. This is a conditional query, set as a parameter (class java.lang.string), which is why I have it enclosed in quotes, but do I have quotes in the wrong place?


    "select count(field_1), field_2 from table where field_2 = ...

    and ProgStart >= '" + $P{From_Date} + "' and ProgStart <= '" + $P{To_Date} + "' and ...

    group by field_2"



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