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Posts posted by chiricoluca87

  1. Hi, i got an error when trying to create any calculated field on existing ad hoc views, but if i create a brand new one on the same table it allows me to create them.

    The error message says that the variable i'm calling in the field is not defined, the same message that appears when u mispell the name of a column.

    It's like that after i save the view the first time i can't create any new columns later based on the existing ones.

    Does anyone has hint on this bug? My Jasperserver version is 7.5


  2. HI , when i add a new column to a table that is already used in my domain, i don't see the new column until i delete the entire table and insert it again, losing all join references , pre-filters and orginal column ids.

    There is a way to add a new column like in old versions? i tried also to refresh datasource by selecting it again but nothing changed.



  3. hi, is there a way to display total values in  ad hoc charts the same way we can display them in crosstabs?

    for example if i have a bar chart with a column of revenues for each country, i would like to display also a global revenues column.

    In a crosstab i just click on show totals, but in a chart i don't see such feature.




  4. Hi , i would like to have an aggregate function in my totals  column of a crosstab that is the sum of the averages calculated by each column, so if the average of column 1 is 50 and average of column 2 is 100 in the total column i want to see 150 

  5. Hi, i'm trying to calculate the 80th and 20th percentile from a measure,

    i see that the aggregate function in Ad Hoc View calculates the median and standard deviation, is there a way to calculate also a specific percentile?



  6. Hi,  we upgraded from version 6.2 to 6.4 ;

    In Jaspersoft Studio 6.4, when opening an Ad-hoc Report ( a crosstab with some input controls) generated with the Jasperreport server,  there is no more button 'create parameter' when expanding the crosstab in  the structure panel. In version 6.2 i used to create parameters referring to the input controls both in the report and crosstab panel, then passing them to the drill down report using  'report_execution'  hyperlink

    They have to be hardcoded in the jrxml or there is another way to create them?

    The goal is to pass parameters from an ad hoc report to a drill down report using  'report_execution'  hyperlink.




  7. hi, i have a dataset like this     A  ,   B ,   C , territory        what i want to put in the widget is the following formula  sum (A *100/ (B -C)) 

                                                    3,     2 ,     1   north

                                                    5,     4,      0   west

     i want to show a widget that apply the formula for the total without considering territory and also one for every territory (like a group by territory)   

    i tried to create a group on territory but then i got lost with reset / increment type  and evaluation time of widgets, especially when i try to show the total widget that shows the numbers of the last group.


  8. Hi, we are trying to create a multi-value parameter that allows us to filter a report based on a list provided by the user. It could by uploading a file or simply a copy and paste the values in a text box

    The problem we have is that the field on which we have to build the filter has a very high number of distinct values, so creating it by the ad hoc editor in not efficient since the user that should filter 50/100 values has to pick them from a giant list of values that is also risks to make the system too slow.

    To summarize we need a method to filter a primary key(more than 1mln values) of our table using a list of values provided by the user in real time.





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