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Posts posted by tonyy

  1. This question was asked 8 years ago... however no solution proposed I hope something has changed. I want to retrieve values from each dataset of every chart, then agreggate it and make it available to chart customizer.  So I need a way to freely be able to access main report parameters from different datasets and vice versa(access datasets parameters from main report).

    To jasper developers: how could you forget about colour consistency across multiple charts? Enterprise uber critical requirement! You possible now realise what I am trying to do and how painful it is.



  2. I was only able to get debugging working for customizers and scriptlets. Where you create a simple maven project for each and import slf4j(don't use log4j it is old). Then whenever Jasper hits the customizers/scriptlets it will hit your logger and print the output in the workspace log. Something like:


    Of course that will only work for you custom defined java code base. Keep in mind that JasperSoft Studio is JRXML lover, so massive amount of abstraction and inability to do many complex tasks(try to display consistently the colours across multiple charts in the composite report without Jasper Library API).

    Will be very interested in complete debugging solution.




  3. <reportExecutionRequest> <reportUnitUri>/supermart/details/CustomerDetailReport</reportUnitUri> <async>true</async>
    <freshData>false</freshData> <saveDataSnapshot>false</saveDataSnapshot> <outputFormat>html</outputFormat>
    <interactive>true</interactive> <ignorePagination>false</ignorePagination>

    <reportParameter name="someParameterName"> <value>value 1</value>
    <value>value 2</value>

    <reportParameter name="someAnotherParameterName">

    <value>another value</value> </reportParameter>

    </parameters> </reportExecutionRequest> 


    This is XML listed in documentation, what is the equivalent for this in JSON? Online converters did not help , the requests with their resulting json could not be serialized on JasperServers. Particular complaint is about parameters.

    How nice to introduce XML example and omit JSON - Well Done Jasper Team! And thanks for not answering our questions you are so helpful.



  4. I believe your problem is merely json mapping which means you are getting close. There are online json parsers, have you tried to put what you send to JasperServer? I am pretty sure it will highlight syntax errors, I am using JacksonMapper for Java and it works quite nicely. I got similar messages when could not find suitable data structure when receiving JSON response. Yours is just the opposite.


    In short words JasperServer can't understand the JSON structure you are sending. Keep digging you are close.

  5. After my comment I suggest you to do the following:

    try to include in  your accept cookie header application/json , as their error messages contain detailed info regarding the problem in json response. Also whenever you try to create new resource dont forget that you need to create custom type namely application/repository.reportUnit+json - cant remember exactly(see the doc) the syntax but this is mandatory. Also dont undermine the power of rest client like Cocoa rest client (if using mac) where you can test what you are doing quite easily.


    Finally, dont attempt to create local resources unless you are 100% sure you won't need to reuse that dataSource in other reports. From what I found it you cannot reference local resources from reports.(but i am asking here whether my assumption is correct on daily basis).




  6. If you upload jrxml report from JasperSoft Studio to JasperServers then majority of resources will be located under hidden folder  /report1_files/ - something like this.

    Is it possible to reuse these file resources(give reference to them) in another report via rest? Whenever I specify the path to these hidden resources it say "invalid uri" , in documentation it says that this prefix denotes it is hidden resources so whenever I specify this directory as reference in other reports - JasperServer cannot find them?

    So workflow is like this:

    1. Create JRXML in JasperStudio

    2. Upload it via plugin to JasperServer with "report1" name.

    3. Create another report named "report2" in JasperServer(REST or GUI does not matter).

    4. Point report2(REST PUT report2) to the hidden resources(via references to /report1_files/) of the report1 - here we get invalid uri, HOWEVER if we ovewrite existing report1 with itself, then it magically recognises resources under this directory.



  7. Context : REST API ; JasperServers; JasperSoft Studio

    Say I upload jrxml from jasperstudio to jasperserver. The server will generate hidden directory like reportname_files/ with resources inside .

    Whenever I try to reference these resources from the reportUnits of other reports it tells me that:


      "message" : "The value "/reports/Coffee_files/main_jrxml" for parameter "resourceReference.uri" is invalid.",

    My directory is correct that is I am sure ( 2 weeks on REST API ... trust me there is no mistake here, besides same directory works on the PUT update request for the original report which directory belongs to).


  8. At the moment the only way I see to execute tailrored query is to:


    1. Apply PATCH method to existing report parameters ( which in turn are used by query) E.G. In report unit default CustomerId = 0, we send patch values which change existing parameters to say CustomerId=5 which in turn changes query WHERE clause.

    2. Then I ask for report unit execution.

    This however invites troubles for dirty reads etc. when multiple clients try to do these two operations.

    Question is whether this is the only way and whether there is better approach.

  9. I would like to reuse existing jrxml file to create new reportUnit. But whenever i put reference for existing jrxml file I get error message.




        <message>The value "/reports/CustomersReport_files/CustomersReport" for parameter "resourceReference.uri" is invalid.</message>







  10. I have followed the guide, the approach which say works for datasource resource results in 400 bad request for reportUnit. 

    Request Header:


    tried: application/xml

    tried: multipart/form-data


    Request URI: 

    Request Type:



    Request Body:

    (just a copy of the reportUnit descriptor returned by get)

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
    <resourceDescriptor name="CustomersReport" wsType="reportUnit" uriString="/reports/CustomersReport" isNew="false">
        <label><![CDATA[Customers Report]]></label>
        <description><![CDATA[Customers Report]]></description>
        <resourceProperty name="PROP_RESOURCE_TYPE">
        <resourceProperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER">
        <resourceProperty name="PROP_VERSION">
        <resourceProperty name="PROP_SECURITY_PERMISSION_MASK">
        <resourceProperty name="PROP_RU_ALWAYS_PROPMT_CONTROLS">
        <resourceProperty name="PROP_RU_CONTROLS_LAYOUT">
        <resourceDescriptor wsType="datasource" isNew="false">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_REFERENCE_URI">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_IS_REFERENCE">
        <resourceDescriptor name="CustomersReport" wsType="jrxml" uriString="/reports/CustomersReport_files/CustomersReport" isNew="false">
            <label><![CDATA[Customers Report]]></label>
            <description><![CDATA[Customers Report]]></description>
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_RESOURCE_TYPE">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_VERSION">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_SECURITY_PERMISSION_MASK">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_IS_REFERENCE">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_HAS_DATA">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_ATTACHMENT_ID">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_RU_IS_MAIN_REPORT">
        <resourceDescriptor name="OrdersReport" wsType="jrxml" uriString="/reports/CustomersReport_files/OrdersReport" isNew="false">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_RESOURCE_TYPE">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_VERSION">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_SECURITY_PERMISSION_MASK">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_IS_REFERENCE">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_HAS_DATA">
            <resourceProperty name="PROP_ATTACHMENT_ID">
  11. Say I have document which has 38 pages. I want a request that would just retrieve one page from this report. At the moment after specifying the page number to get the specific page I get full document instead...





    When running this, for some reason it will accept the page parameter , it will even validate it if the page number supplied is within the range but return full document as I said.


    The return is 201 and:


    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>








    which is different to documentation where it says:


    For example, the following request exports page 10 of the PDF report:


    POST http://host/rest/report/d7bf6c9-9077-41f7-a2d4-8682e74b637e?PAGE=10&RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT=PDF


    You then need to take the file name from the return value and create a GET request for it.


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