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Posts posted by drueter_1

  1. I am new  to JasperReports Server (but am an experienced software professional).

    I need to quickly get up to speed on a few Jaspersoft Server points.

    Is there a JasperReports Server (Community Edition) expert or guru that could spend about an hour with me on Skype?  I am able to pay or show my gratitude in some other way.

    Specifically I need to:

    1. Make JasperReports Server work with a reverse-proxy (NGINX or other).  I am having problems with this even when I disable CSRF  support.
    2. Create a role to allow publishing of reports to a specific folder from Jaspersoft Studio  that does not  require ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR to be granted to the user
    3. Optionally:  Get JasperReports Server running on CentOS.  I have it installed and running...but am unable to access...possibly related to #1 above  (I have JasperReports Server running on Windows however.)

    Any takers?  I will be happy to write up what I learn on the Wiki so that other users will benefit.

  2. I am running JasperServer 5.5 Community Edition.

    I can publish reports from Jaspersoft Studio if the specified user is a member of ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR.

    I have created a new role ROLE_TESTPUBLISH and would like to enable users that are a member of this role to publish reports, but not be able to administer the server.

    It seems that if a user is not a member of  ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR that Jaspersoft Studios cannot connect to JasperServer at all--even if the specified user has Read and Write rights to the desired library folder.

    What rights are needed to connect to JasperServer from Jaspersoft Studio?  Is there a way to set up a user that can publish reports from Jaspersoft Studio, but that cannot administer the server?


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