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Posts posted by cek.i06go

  1. translated, the select query is this:

    SELECT count(DISTINCT CASE WHEN ((o.id IS NOT NULL)  AND (o.activate BETWEEN (TO_DATE('01/01/2014', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) AND (TO_DATE('26/02/2014', 'dd/mm/yyyy')))  AND ((o.validate BETWEEN (TO_DATE('23/01/2014', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) AND (TO_DATE('20/02/2014', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))) AND o.play LIKE 'Close')) THEN o.id END) AS number, o.type[/code]

    and i have always the same error... why??

  2. select count(distinct case when (o.id is not null $P!{__#param1}  $P!{__#param2} ) then o.id end) as Number, o.typefrom OST owhere o.type is not nullgroup by o.typeorder by o.type[/code]

    when i write this query in my data set, JasperStudio indicate me this error:

    mismatched input '$P!{__#param1}' expecting ')'

    and i can't execute the report.

    I'm sure that the content of param1 and 2 it's ok (and if i remove one of them, the query work).

    How i can resolve this?

  3. i have found the solution!

    when i add a subreport under a table cell, jasperstudio don't load automaticaly the jrxml file of sureport, so you need to upload and change the reference manually with the uri (if sub report is load in the mainreport resources):


    or the absolute path



    I don't know why jasperStudio have this behavior, but you just need to figure out how to make remedy :)

  4. I have a report Report1 that contains a lot of sub-reports (subReport1, subReport2, etc...) linked inside a table (in the table cell i have insert a sub-report).

    In JasperStudio i have put all subreport's file in a folder in the same project:











    Report1 reference to the subreports by her *.jasper file (exemple of Expression parameter: "subReport/subReport1.jasper) and work perfectaly.

    Now, when i put all in the server (maintaining the same folder hierarchy but all put in the server's folder /Process) i have this error:

    The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience.

    Error Message

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at : subReports/subReport1.jasper

    How i can fix this problem?

    (i have try to change the path to /Process/subReports/subReport1.jasper but nothing...)

  5. Its helpful yes, but i need a solution to pass each rows result of datase10 to dataset11.


    Dataset10 result this SQL table (i don't know how many and the result isn't static (it's possible in the future a val4, val5 and soon)):





    ok, for each value use this in the sub-dataset11 for compiling the query:

    select *

    from myTable

    where myTable.attr = val1


    and soon...


    It's possible?

  6. I need to send a particular value to a sub-dataset.

    dataset10 produce the table with a lot of value, for each row value invoke another dataset11 with this value like a foreach cycle that produce another table to shw in the report.

    Its possible?

    I hope I explained as best as possible ...

  7. I'm created a report with JasperStudio 5.5 that have many parameter defined in the main and a lot of sub-dataset (defined with tables) that required this parameters.

    The situation:

    /main/Parameters: myPar


    The sub-dataset need to use this parameter in her query: select * from Tab t where t.attr = $P!{myPar}

    So, my problem is that the sub-dataset can't access at this main paramenter, all the time that i try compiled, the program send me "Parameter not found : myPar".

    How i can do for use myPar in the sub-dataset?

    p.s.: i read this thread Pass main dataset parameter to subdataset query (based on iReport) but without success...

  8. I need to create a new global parameter in my report (created with Jaspersoft Studio 5.5 and after publishing in JasperServer 5.5).

    So, my report is very big and it's impossible to cover all information in one query.

    I tried to create a lot of table but the parameters aren't inherited!

    In short, I need to use the main parameters of the report all'inderno of the various datasets.

    This parameter it's a simple data that a user specify when invoche the report.

    There are some solution?

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