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Posts posted by droben

  1. Hello,

    My server is Jasper community 6.0 and api Finding Running Reports and Jobs returns me following xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><reportExecutions>    <reportExecution>        <reportURI>/reports/Reports_To_Integrate/Verka_Report</reportURI>        <requestId>2023164579_1481194811399_18</requestId>    </reportExecution></reportExecutions>[/code]

    But if I try to gety more info about running job, using Requesting Report Execution Details api, it failed with following message:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><errorDescriptor>    <errorCode>resource.not.found</errorCode>    <message>Resource 2023164579_1481194811399_18 not found.</message>    <parameters>        <parameter>2023164579_1481194811399_18</parameter>    </parameters></errorDescriptor>[/code]

    Can anybody help please? 

    The report was called from web application and my api calls ran from bash on server using curl command, but both under the same user - jasperadmin, which should be able to do this according to the documentation.

  2. I am working on project where we use TIBCO JasperReports Server ® Community Project 6.0.1 Release. 

    We use excel export for large number of records (100k+) and we have performance issues. Is there any optional settings of JasperReports Server to tune this excel export ability?

    Thank you in advance

  3. I am working on project where we use TIBCO JasperReports Server ® Community Project 6.0.1 Release. We have issue with Internet explorer version 7. I found in the release notes that "Internet Explorer users should also note that Jaspersoft no longer certifies IE7." in section 8. Known Issues. I would like to ask if there is any possibility how to solve this issue. We have to be 100% sure about this before moving on. Thank you in advance


    I am looking forward for your reply.

  4. Hi,

    I'm wondering if a report contains multiple queries to a database whether or not these queries are done sequentially or in parallel.  Can anyone advise me on jasper's inner workings or otherwise tell me if this is a customisable setting?

    I have 10 datasets in one report and 60 tables. Each dataset is 6 times link with unique table, every time with different parameters.


  5. Hi,

    I am working with jasper version 5.2 and have this problem... there are tables with data from a few regions. Each table for each region has it own dataset. Lets say there are regions Europe, America, Africa and tables are one after another. Every of them has max 10 lines because there are top 10 tables. 

    My problem is situation where there are no data for europe. In this case there is empty table/space at the beginning of report and under it the rest. Is there any way to move all filled tables up and europe without data do not show?

    thanks in advance


    current situation:





    dream situation:



  6. I have issue with my report. There is table which display some numeric values from database. In every column with number is HTML component which is displayed when number under it is bigger than some limit. 


    Interactive Features such a sorting or filtering work in every column except these with HTML components. Is there any possibility to enable them?


    thanks in advance

  7. Hello,


    There is jasper server 5.0 with reports. Our issue is that when we have around 600k rows from database, that html report is generated too slowly. 


    Our idea is direct export to Excel to bypass generating html report. Is there some way how to do it?


    The second way how to solve our problem is some tuning of jasperserver to be faster. Our idea is to have 600k rows under 5 minutes. Is it even possible? Is there any tutorial how to do it correctly?


    Thanks in advance

  8. Hello,

    There is table in my report which is over a few pages. My problem is that sometimes there is additional empty page as last.

    Is there any possibility to switch off making this last empty page?

    thanks in advance

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