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  1. Thanks, I caught that typo too. Fixed it and no luck. I've also tried with the default being denied as well and still always get a full list back. I think this file is being ignored.
  2. In the edit domain screen on jasperserver I am using the add security file link, select the file off my local computer and upload. It pases the format/parse check and uploads successfully.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to implement some basic row security. For this example I have two Roles (User and Admin). Admins should see all rows, Users only see rows where the Created_By field matches their UserId. When I use the below xml, I see all rows of data regardless of the user's Role.What am I doing wrong?I've tried several things and I'm wondering if the security file simply isn't being applied to my report. Thoughts? authentication.getPrincipal().getRoles().any{ it.getRoleName() in ['ROLE_MY_USER'] } DCIRS_FILE0.CREATED_BY == groovy('authentication.getPrincipal().getId()')
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