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Posts posted by sharmavd1983

  1. Is it posible to format data while using  JSONMetaDataExporter and property net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.path in jrxml file, so that JSON data will be formated e.g like date format like dd/mm/yyyy or currency format like 10,000.00

    Any help will be appreciated . Many tHanks.

  2. let m know is there any limitation on jasper reports

    1. file size like 10mb, 15mb, 20mb to view or download

    2. Number of reports can be configured with application

    3. The number of formats can be used.

    4. can be used in commercial application if not made any changes in JasperReport Library.

  3. I am new to jasper and highcharts. I have designed my html5 report using jaspersoft license version.


    I want to use that html5 jasper report from my java application without publishing it to jasper server.


    Which jars I need to include to fill that html5 jasper report from java. so that I will generate html markup of report.


    I have tried these jars







    jasperreports-pro-5.0.0.jar and some more jasper server jars.


    and code


        String fileName = "C://test.jasper";

        File file= new File(fileName);

        InputStream inputStream= new FileInputStream(file);

        JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(inputStream, (new HashMap<String,        

        Object>()), databaseConfiguration.getConnection());

        JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jasperPrint, response.getOutputStream());


    But after running this it ask me some other jars/configuration of jasper server. I am adding  more jars and configuration from jasper server but still not able to fill the report.


    I cannot use jasper server or publish report on jasper server.


    Please help me.Some code snippet or link to documentation will also be appreciated.


    Many thanks in advance

  4. 1. Is this HTML5 feature of jasper server refers to highcharts feature?

    2.  If HTML5 feature is different from highcharts feature in jasper server , could you please share link of jasper highcharts documentation.

    3. From which version of jasper server, highcharts feature is supported?


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