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Posts posted by banderson_1

  1. Hello,

    I am trying to setup a JDBC-ODBC Datasource in Jaspersoft Server V5.5. The same driver and url work correctly in iReport v5.5.

    I am using sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver. The same driver works with iReport and JasperServer and iReport are installed on the same machine.

    The url I am using is jdbc:odbc:eka


    [sql Server]Cannot open database "PAC Access Control Log" requested by the login. The login failed.

    I find it interesting that when I choose "Test Connection", this error appears almost instantly.  It's odd that it can find the db name and still refuses to login.

    Tried manually adding credentials to db in SQL management studio and error is replicated.

    Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated as this error is growing increasingly frustrating.


  2. I'm having the same issue, different error:


    [sql Server]Cannot open database "PAC Access Control Log" requested by the login. The login failed.

    Can run the report in iReport, but datasource keeps showing that error on JasperServer.  JasperServer is on same machine as iReport.

    The weird thing I found about the error is it appears almost instantly after clicking "Test Connection."  I find it hard to believe that it can find all of that information, including the database name, and refuses to login.  Tried manually adding my credentials to the db in SQL management studio and error is replicated.

    Hope someone can get this sorted out soon, it's been an extremely frustrating process.

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