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Posts posted by giuliana.damiani

  1. Hi Pavel,

    I found a workaround to publish the jrxml file directly without resources. You have to go on Jasperserver and find the specific jrxml file:

    1. click-right and select "Properties"

    2. select "File report" tab

    3. Select and load your report from your workspace

    This way take only few seconds!!

    I hope this can help you, 



  2. Hi Rodrigo,


    1. create a new Resource Bundle object in Jasper Server i.e. "labels_en.properties"

    2. create a Report Unit with the report containing the resource bundles property set to "labels"

    3. copy the resource bundles "labels_en.properties" and "paste as link" in the Report Unit.


    In this way your report will be localized in english and when you will modify the "labels_en.properties" resources bundles this change will propagate to all the report using that.


    This time, I hope I have been clear,





  3. Hi arlaudpierre,

    I forgot to say that I publish my report on a server  via VPN. However, when I publish the report on the same server with iReport the action is very quickly. 

    This are my steps when I publish a report with Jasperstudio:

    - I push the button "Publish on Jasperserver"

    - I choose where publish my report 

    - I click on the next button and it try to find the resources, it goes in the "not responding" mode and takes long time to publish the report.

    Could be the cause of this issue that I installed on my pc iReport 5.5.0, iReport 5.6.0, Jasperstudio 5.6.0,5.6.1, 5.6.2 and jasperserver?

    Now for me Jasperstudio is a very handicap because I have to publish many reports...





  4. Thank you so much fcerbell for your answer! I follow your advice and I try this query:

    select distinct billing_address_state, billing_address_country from accounts where $X{IN, billing_address_country, Country_multi_select} and (billing_address_country is not null AND billing_address_country <> ' ') order by billing_address_country, billing_address_state

    but nothing change, the problem is always the same.. I really don't know why it doesn't work...Do you have an other idea? 



  5. Hi,

    I open "Cascading multi select example report" in the Sample folder and when I select "None" for the first input control "Country multi select", the second and third input control shows all the data!I want that if I don't select none country the second input control haven't show the data! So I change the query of the second input control adding the condition: "billing_address_state is not null" and the query become:

    select name from accounts where $X{IN, billing_address_country, Country_multi_select} and $X{IN, billing_address_state, Cascading_state_multi_select} and billing_address_state is not null order by name

    But also in this way the second input control shows all the data!! How can I do for fix this problem? Is a bug of jasperserver?

    Thank you so much.

  6. Hi,

    I have a problem with passing values from a input control to an other. In particolar the first input control PARAM1 is a multi-select query (type: java.util.Collection) and it returns the following value: [11,22,33]. The values are integer ! Now, this values enter in the query in the second input control like this $X{IN,cast(attribute(integer) as varchar(255)),PARAM1}. This expression work in the query report, but don't in the query of the input control? Why? Is there the possibility to transform the PARAM1 type from java.util.Collection to java.util.String? This could solve the problem. There is someone who can help me?  Thank you very much.

  7. marionol thank you so much for your answer!

    I see the reports in the Samples, but they have their specific resource bundle. For example the "Department" report have its resources bundles in its folder "Resources".I don't want this. I would like to have a global "Resources" folder from wich all the reports can get information. There is? 




  8. Hi,

    I set up one attribute for the user and jasper server reads it correctly.  I add a second attribute and jasperserver reads the first, but not the second. It returns NULL!! How it is possible? How can I handle this? I needs read both the attributes of the user (COUNTRY, DEPARTMENT)

    Thank you so much!!http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif

  9. Hi, 

    I have 20 reports loaded on Jasper Server and for each I have loaded its specific resource bundle. It's possible to unite all the 20 resource bundles files in only one file? I try to put the file in the "Reports" folder  or in the "Data Source", but it doesn't work...In this way when I want modify the same label in more reports, I modify one file!
    Thank you so much
  10. MarianoL,

    thank you for your reply. I'm so sorry, but I'm not a web service expert..I have windows 8 and I try to run this report on Chrome and on nternet Explorer, but the problem is always the same. As you can see in the image below, when I set the second parameter "Department" on "Mandatory", the windows don't shows the different departments!



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