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Posts posted by navynine

  1. Hello,

    I'm trying to get custom indentation for text lines (e.g. [left pad = 40; right pad = 0] for first line, and [left pad = 0; right pad = 100] for other lines) by some condition. I think that conditional style will help there but the problem is to calculate condition:

    Is it possible to detect line wrap in the text field? E.g. I want to know whether long text line was automaticlally splitted to two or more lines. 

  2. Hello,

    Could someone help me with question about making text that can be splitted to several lines underscored?

    I have a text field that is filled by user's data, so it can be bigger than page's width, therefore text will be splitted for two (or more) lines. I need to draw a line under this text (to show that it's entered by a user); this line should be drawn under each line of text and should has page's width. Also this line should be always drawn on the first line and shouldn't be printed on next lines if there is no text.



    Describe issue: here is quite long describing of problem that is splitted for  

    two or more lines                                                                                                   


    Describe issue: here is short describing of problem                                         


    I tried to define 'print when expression' but don't know how to get actual length of entered text (I'm using not monospaced font) or how to determine that text line was broken.

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