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Posts posted by nanda_p_kumar

  1. I have gone through the Jasperreports library API documentation and also some discussion on this line. What I got is that the API documentation only refer to JFreeCharts and also that integration of Jasperlibrary into a webapp can only serve for static charts. I would like to know the following:

    1. Can we integrate Jasperreports Library into a gwt application and have interactive reports with HTML5 & Pro charts?

    2. Does that require a license? If it does, is there any alternative to do the same without going for license?


    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi, 

    I have build a report containing 4 charts (highcharts), using iReport designer. When I deployed it to the server and viewed the report, it worked fine. However, when I add this report to dashboard and view the result, the legends are all distorted & the chart plot area has increased automatically. The alignment is completely messed up. I have similar reports, but they do not have such an issue. I do not understand what is going on. 

    Anyone has any idea what the issue might be?

    Thanks & Regards,


  3. Hi, I tried installing using the war file distribution. It completed successfully. I used the minimal install. But now, when I start the tomcat, I get an error saying " Cannot find tenant by ID : organizations". Why does this happen? I got this same problem even during the bundled installer.<<<<<< This comment was blocked and unpublished because Project Honeypot indicates it came from a suspicious IP address.
  4. Thank you Marianol.


    If I install using root/sudoer, is there any way to start the Jasperreports server as a non root user/without sudo?

    Could you also let me know, if in the war file installation, would I be able to import/export the Jasperreports server repo?


    Thanks & Regards,


  5. Thank you Marianol.


    I would like to know, if I install as root user/sudoer, is there a way to start jasperreports server as non root user?

    Could you also please let me know if I would be able to import and export the jasperreports server repo if I install using the war file?



    Nanda<<<<<< This comment was blocked and unpublished because Project Honeypot indicates it came from a suspicious IP address.

  6. Hi,

    I am trying to install Jasperreports server 5.5 on an RHEL 6 system. If the installation is done as root user, it completes without any issues. But if the same is done with a non root user, it fails with issues regarding permission. I have checked on the forum for such cases, but they have had issues with the host names. But my /etc/hosts results as "   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4". I am pretty sure, host name is not the issue in my case. 

    I have tried the custom installation where I used the bundled tomcat and postgres but did not install the sample db and reportsand it fails with this message:

    Total time: 14 seconds
    Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
     Error running /home/mviva/jasperreports-server-5.5/apache-ant/bin/ant import-minimal-pro : 
    /home/mviva/jasperreports-server-5.5/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:269: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /home/mviva/jasperreports-server-5.5/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:158: Java returned: 255

    I also tried default install. It also fails with this message:

    Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
     Error running /home/mviva/jaspersoft/apache-ant/bin/ant import -DimportFile=install_resources/export/js-catalog : 
    /home/mviva/jaspersoft/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:240: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /home/mviva/jaspersoft/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:158: Java returned: 255
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