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Posts posted by brian_3

  1. I have searched the literature and various websites with regard to using Jaspersoft products to analyze medical data, in particular the data provided by patients. I found various case studies under the Health Care domain but nothing that gave me any real indication of what was achived and how. In particular does Jaspersoft have any prefered schemas for organizing medical information or could any one in this community provide feedback as to the type of schemas that they may have used for medical data analysis and any feedback as to their suitability.

    As always any feedback and suggestions are always appreciated.

  2. I am trying to create a "trigger" where a user can be alerted if a value in a AWS database falls outside a specified range. For example, if the reported level of widgets is below a min or above a max then I want a specific alert to be raised. The threshold values are themselves stored in a AWS database record hence I need a way to run the check.

    I am rather new to all this hence any pointers as to where I start to look to build this functionality would be appreciated, very much appreciated.

    Thankyou for your time.

  3. This still has me a confused. I logged into my AWS account and that allows me to IAM management console form which I can create roles, users, groups, etc hence I must be a user who has IAM permission. I now try and launch the JS instance via the stack and I still get the problem even though I have not changed user and provided a key pair generated by me.


    I am sorry to be a pain but could you explain this in simple terms that I can follow as I do not see how I can have IAM permissions at one point and "loose" then at another.


    Any help would be appreciated to save my sanity.

  4. I am trying to create a cloud templete via the http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch page in the US West Region and I use the default values for the Stack Name (JRSInstance) and the template name provided. All works fine until the last step when I reports the following "CreateStack failed: Requires capabilities : [CAPABILITY_IAM]".

    I have tried for a couple of hours to solve this hence has any one else come up against this problem and can please help me?

    Cheers Brian

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