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Posts posted by khaled_khlifi

  1. Thank you Thomas,

    the request of "DiamRQn" is tested in the DBMS,and if jasperserver fail to execute the request how he shows all the values ? as i undestand, everthing went ok exept the $x{}, jasperserver fail to choose only the selected values but he have all of them,

    thank you anyway :)

  2. Thank you for replying, but the class of DiamRQn is java.util.Collection, when i set It to java.util.Collection , it not working,

    when cast the query of the collection

    select distinct cast("Diam" as smallint) from ...

    also not working

    the solution mentioned in the question, work but shows all possible value of "Diam" ! and this is the problem

  3. Thank you for replying, but the class of DiamRQn is java.util.Collection, when i set It to java.util.Collection , it not working,

    when cast the query of the collection

    select distinct cast("Diam" as smallint) from ...

    also not working

    the solution mentioned in the question, work but shows all possible value of "Diam" ! and this is the problem

  4. My report based in this request:


        select "Annee" ,"Diam", sum("Consommation") from "Consom_N","CptDim"    where "Annee" >= $P{a1} and "Annee" <= $P{a2}     and "Consom_N"."NumCpt"="CptDim"."NumCpt"and "District"= $P{dst}    and $X{IN, cast("Diam" as character varying), DiamRQn}    group by "Annee","Diam"    order by "Annee"    ;[/code]


    "Diam" field is a smallint, the problem is in this part


    $X{IN, cast("Diam" as character varying), DiamRQn}[/code]


    DiamRQn is the parameter used by the control input wich is a multiple selection from request, 

    when remove casting it says:


        PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist : smallint = character varying


    with casting it work fine in ireport preview , but on the jasperserver, the chart shows all the values of "Diam", the selected and the not selected. As i understood,for jasperserver, casted "diam" is always exist in "DiamRQn" collection, although everything went ok for ireport !

    Plz check out the attachement


    Additional inf:

    DBMS: postgresql

    ireport ver: 5.0.1

  5. Hello,

    multi axis chart works fine except the values of the x axis are shown not as expected,

    the chart use this request:

    select "Annee",sum("Consommation") from "Consom_N"group by "Annee"order by "Annee"[/code]
    but the chart shows the values of the sum field different than values gotten from DBMS "postgresql" when using the same request
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