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Posts posted by edewaele

  1. Hello,

    In OLAP views, Jasperjpivot displays header cells above the measures ("Measures") and the dimensions (dimension name). Thus, the table is a bit "overloaded" with header cells.

    We want to hide the "Measures" label, and the name of one dimension.

    Can I configure JasperReports for header cells to be hidden ?

  2. Hi ,

    The links in my OLAP views open a table that displays the underlying data in the fact table. Jasperpivot creates columns for every dimension in the OLAP schema.

    We would like to display additional attributes for each item in the fact table. Actually, the fact table is a list of employees, so we need to display their name, surname, id, and other information which is not related to the cube dimensions.

    Is there any setting to customise the drill-through table ? Do I have to patch Jasperjpivot ?

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