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Posts posted by puneet.garg

  1. Hi,

    I am evaluating jasperreports server 5.2. I have couple of queries on Ad hoc designer filters:

    - Can we control some available fields and measures not to be allowed to add as filters?
    - Can we control some available fields and measures to add as text filters rather always as drop down with all distinct values?
    - Can we customize drop down filter values population queries?
    - Can queries of  designed reports/views with filters be modified to use indexed ids columns rather dropped filter fields those are non indexed strings?

    Thanks in advace for your help.

    - Puneet

  2. Hi,

    I am using jasperreports-server-5.1 to design domain/ad hoc view in jasperserver designer. I went through couple of posts but not able to figure out how can I create domain/ad hoc view by using user data i.e. username, userid etc properties. So when running a report I will get logged in user specific data in a report.

    I tried putting select * from user where username = $P{LoggedInUser}.getUserName() in derived query of domain designer, it shouts syntax error.


    Is there any way to achieve the same. I think JRXML is one of the option, which we don't want to use as we only want to use jasperserver to design and run reprots. Can someone help me on the same.




  3. Hi,

    I have installed jasperreports-server-5.1. I have added a oracle datasource which username is abc_xyz when I try to create domain I am only able to explore table columns which has single word i.e. abc_xyz_project

    It's failing for abc_xyz_project_detail

    Is there any issue either with username contains underscore or with table name which contains underscore?

    Can someone help me to resolve this issue?


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