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  1. plambert_1's post in How can I get access to output_format column of JIReportJobOutputFormat using jasper api's? was marked as the answer   
    You will find what you need there : 

  2. plambert_1's post in Jaspersoft Webservice API support was marked as the answer   
    You can setup Oauth authentication from JasperReport Server side : 
    Then depending on the way you embed JRS using APIs you will always find a way to use it.
  3. plambert_1's post in How to use the JasperServer Java Rest Client was marked as the answer   
    You are not obliged to use a configuration file. 
    But if you wish to , in your code you will need to use : 


    Or a manual way :


    It is pretty well explain in the readme of the github project...
  4. plambert_1's post in Help with Jasper 6 on Tomcat 7 Ubuntu 14.04 was marked as the answer   
    It is in the documentation, when you use the package manager to install Tomcat you need to define in the default_master.properties file of the buildomatic the following : 
    # Tomcat app server root dir
    # appServerDir = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0
    # appServerDir = /home/devuser/apache-tomcat-7.0.26
    # if linux package managed tomcat instance, set two properties below
    CATALINA_HOME = /usr/share/tomcat6
    CATALINA_BASE = /var/lib/tomcat6
  5. plambert_1's post in How to use parameters in query of ElasticSearch data adapter was marked as the answer   
    yes but I dont think you need the double quotes around the $P
  6. plambert_1's post in Im trying to display a collumn on my reports based on the input controls selected. was marked as the answer   
    Try to use the "Print When Expression" properties of the reports components to display/hide them regarding conditions ie. parameters values .
  7. plambert_1's post in Unable to build HTML5 pie chart with data set was marked as the answer   
    You should find a way to pivot your data to get something like : 


    If using SQL , a CASE WHEN will do the Job.
  8. plambert_1's post in Nested JSON fields was marked as the answer   
    Add "technical_specifications" as root node.
    Then inside nodes as fields.
  9. plambert_1's post in What is the best way to implement REST for creating Reports. was marked as the answer   
    If you want to use REST as a datasource : 

  10. plambert_1's post in Get data from external REST and process data was marked as the answer   
    You can use this plugin : 

    If you need to process modification to data just use variables.
  11. plambert_1's post in Is there a way to set the active theme via a RESTful API call? was marked as the answer   
    even you are using organization_1 by default.
  12. plambert_1's post in Is it there a way to make a report consume a REST webservice as a DataSource? was marked as the answer   
    You can find what you need there : 

  13. plambert_1's post in Java Rest_v2 execution Report doesn't produce the pdf file was marked as the answer   
    You should use the java rest client which would make your life easier : 

  14. plambert_1's post in Removing all "decorations" for a dashboard or report was marked as the answer   
    You can find information about visualize.js there : 

  15. plambert_1's post in java code for invoks reports from jasper server by REST_v2 was marked as the answer   
    You can use this java rest client : 

  16. plambert_1's post in Integrating TIBCO Jasper Reports to web was marked as the answer   
    What you do want to do is not clear. Are you using Community version?

    - If you want to display the report visualizer as with jasperserver you will need to use HTTP APIs ie. Iframes
    - If you want to be able to generate documents with the choice of the format use rest_v2/reports/<path_to_report>.<format>
    Thanks to rest APIs you can generate reports easily and put it into your web page and handle your logic.
    -  if you are using professional version you could also use visualize.js
  17. plambert_1's post in User parameter not working with weblinked reported was marked as the answer   
    Why dont you use directly LoggedInUsername as a parameter instead of use 2 parameters?
  18. plambert_1's post in Month and Year Grouping was marked as the answer   
    Can you provide further information ? 

    - How long dures the query execution process for both ?
    - Why do you need a subreport ? Cant you have both Month and year in one query and then use groups of jasperreports?
    - In which banc did you put your subreport?
  19. plambert_1's post in I need to map External role with internel organization role in Jasper report server Using token based authentication, can someone help to configure the applicationContext-externalAuth-preAuth-mt.xml file?? was marked as the answer   
    With this token you are following the expected format as described in the applicationContext : 

    <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.security.externalAuth.wrappers.spring.preauth.JSPreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider"> <property name="preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService"> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.security.externalAuth.preauth.MTJSPreAuthenticatedUserDetailsService"> <!-- Token format configuration example for token: u=obama|r=PRESIDENT,HUSBAND|o=WhiteHouse|pa1=USA,Kenya|pa2=Washington --> <property name="tokenPairSeparator" value="|"/> <property name="tokenFormatMapping"> <map> <entry key="username" value="u" /> <entry key="roles" value="r" /> <entry key="orgId" value="o" /> <entry key="expireTime" value="exp" /> <entry key="profile.attribs" > <map> <entry key="profileAttrib1" value="pa1" /> <entry key="profileAttrib2" value="pa2" /> </map> </entry> </map> </property> <property name="tokenExpireTimestampFormat" value="yyyyMMddHHmmssZ"/> </bean> </property> </bean>[/code]Now if you need to map an external Role walue to an internal at Organization level value you need to define the Role Map there : 

    <bean id="mtExternalUserSetupProcessor" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.security.externalAuth.processors.MTExternalUserSetupProcessor" parent="abstractExternalProcessor"> <property name="userAuthorityService"> <ref bean="${bean.internalUserAuthorityService}"/> </property> <property name="organizationRoleMap"> <map> <!-- Example of mapping customer roles to JRS roles --> <!--<entry> <key> <value>ADMIN_EXTERNAL_ORGANIZATION</value> </key> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> </entry>--> </map> </property> <property name="defaultInternalRoles"> <list> <value>ROLE_USER</value> </list> </property> <property name="permittedRolesRegex"> <list> <value>JRS_.*</value> <value>EXT_.*</value> </list> </property> </bean>[/code]adding |* at the end of the internal Role Name Value to inform this Role must be defined at Organization Level.
  20. plambert_1's post in Help Creating Conditional Expression was marked as the answer   
    If the fields are BigDecimal you can also cast them to Integer or Float first with BigDecimal.intValue() and BigDecimal.floatValue()
  21. plambert_1's post in Does Jaspersoft provide any Map view? was marked as the answer   
    Hi there are some Map components.

    Maps => Google Maps with markers, paths and area
    Tibco Maps => same as google + geocoding
    Maps Pro => Fusion maps 
  22. plambert_1's post in JsonExporter generates empty json file was marked as the answer   
    You need to define Json Metadata first.
    Consider the Library reference
  23. plambert_1's post in condition sum (Compared row between them) was marked as the answer   
    You will need to use Groups and Variables if you do not want to use SQL.
    Create a group with an expression : $V{REPORT_COUNT}%2+1 Create a variable : ($V{REPORT_COUNT}%2==1)?$F{occupied}:-$F{occupied}  (assuming occupied is an Integer) Calculation: SUM Incrementation : Group Reset : Report Then Drag the Variable into the Group footer (or Detail) set the Evaluation Time to Group you will get the expected result.

    FYI $V{REPORT_COUNT} is like a row count .
  24. plambert_1's post in Why I don't see built-in functions in expression editor? was marked as the answer   
    Built-in Functions appeared with Jaspersoft Studio and are not available with I-report.
  25. plambert_1's post in Setting permissions for folders created by externalUserFolderProcessor (LDAP auth) was marked as the answer   
    this post could help you

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