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Changes to the Jaspersoft community edition download ×


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  1. ee.ashley's post in Charts fail to render under "heavy" loading was marked as the answer   
    I've traced through the Java code and found that there is a hashmap in the session that appears to store references to the images that need to be generated. This hashmap appears to have a max size of 10. If I increased this size in the debugger to a larger number (exceeding the number of charts I try to generate concurrently), then I could get all charts to render without issue. Otherwise, any more than 10 charts resulted in the exceptions being thrown.
    I saw that this class has a setMaxSize method in the LRUSessionObjectAccessor.java file, but even when I set a breakpoint on this, it never seemed to be called. I also grepped through the Java source files themselves and could not find any calls to setMaxSize either.
    Does anyone know where the limit of 10 gets set? And is there a way to increase this without necessitating a code change?
    I found that the applicationContext.xml settings file has a maxSize property, which has a comment regarding dashboard image loading problems. I tested updating this setting to a larger number in the community edition and found that it addressed my chart loading issues. I am trying to get this change tested in our production JasperServer Pro installation to see if it helps as well.
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