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Posts posted by dja248

  1. We are seeing an issue with date filters in the Ad Hoc editor in Jasper Server 5.1.0.


    We had a need to change the default date format to MM/dd/yyyy so we did that by modifying jasperserver_config.properties.


    Now, when an absolute date is provided in a filter an Exception is thrown and the filter ends up not being applied.  This only happens if the date is an absolute date, ie: 07/22/2013.  Relative values like MONTH and YEAR work fine in the date filter.


    Here is a sample stack trace.


    Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.InvalidDateRangeExpressionException:

    Invalid date range expression: 10/01/2012

            at net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.RelativeDateRange.validateExpression(RelativeDateRange.java:82)

            at net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.RelativeDateRange.<init>(RelativeDateRange.java:68)

            at net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRangeBuilder.toDateRange(DateRangeBuilder.java:223)

            at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.common.util.rd.DateRangeFactory.getInstance(DateRangeFactory.java:72)

            at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.common.util.rd.DateRangeFactory.getInstance(DateRangeFactory.java:58)

            at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.common.util.rd.DateRangeFactory.getInstance(DateRangeFactory.java:42)

            at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.ExpressionJSONConverter.getDateExpression(ExpressionJSONConverter.java:519)

            at com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.expr.ExpressionJSONConverter.createExpressionObject(ExpressionJSONConverter.java:197)

            ... 105 more


    Any thoughts on what may be going wrong?  Thanks!


  2. Hi, this is with Jasper Server 5.1.  When logged in as a superuser, if import is done in the UI (Manage > Server Settings > Import) content is imported correctly.


    However, if I import the same zipfile from the command line using a command like this the content is placed in a different location in the repository:

    js-ant import -DimportFile=...mycontent.zip -DimportArgs="--update"


    From the command line, the content ends up being imported down below an organization.  My guess is that since the superuser doesn't have an organization the imported content is placed at a higher level in the repo.  


    My question is how to use js-ant import to import content without that content being placed below an organization?  Is there a way with js-ant import to specify a username who is doing the importing?  Thank you.

  3. Hi, in the 5/30/2013 webinar it was mentioned that anything that can be done through the UI can also be done through HTTP.  

    Is the HTTP API documented anywhere?  

    ie: _flowId=adhocFlow | viewReportFlow | searchFlow

    Thank you.


  4. We are migrating Jasper Server Professional Edition from 4.7.1 to 5.1 and have encountered a problem
    that appears to be related to EhCache.

    We have a customized version of Jasper Server in which we have made edits to a few of the files.
    None of our changes are related to caching or ehcache but we are getting exceptions related to ehcache
    and jasperserver-pro will not deploy due to these exceptions.

    Our environment:
    ehcache v2.6.0
    Tomcat v7.0.32 (64 bit)
    Java v1.7.0_09 (64 bit)
    Windows 7

    The error that occurs is ClassDefNotFoundError with ehcache class AgentSizeOf.
    AgentSizeOf uses another ehcache class named JvmInformation.  Turning on class loader logging in Tomcat shows that
    JvmInformation is never loaded by Tomcat.  This appears to be causing the issue with AgentSizeOf.
    In ehcache-core-2.6.0.jar, both AgentSizeOf and JvmInformation are present in the net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof package
    and neither of these classes appears in any other jar in the classpath.  I've also duplicated the
    issue in 64 bit JDK 1.6.0_31.

    I'm just wondering if anyone has seen a problem like this and knows the resolution? 

    The stack trace is attached.


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