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Posts posted by mgurtler

  1. Just installed latest CE of Jasper 7.1.0 on 64 bit Windows 2012 R2 server. Trying to append username and password into the url from our application when user clicks link to go to Jasper reports. Using this format with hidden fields for the username and password:  

    When it's all typed out directly into a browser window it works. The Jasper server doesn't seem to process this correctly when using the built url with the username and pwd hidden and redirects to the login screen. Is there a property or setting in either Tomact or Jasper Reports server to configure this properly? Thanks!

  2. I'm trying to import existing reports into a newly installed Jasper 5.5 Reports Server (running on Windows 7 - stock install). I was able to successfully export everything from our old 3.7 server using the bundled export bat file. I broked it down and exported config files, data types, input controls, users/roles and reports. I was able to successfully import the config files, data types, input controls and users/roles using the web interface/GUI 'Import" feature on the new 5.5 server. When I attempt to import the reports I get an error saying "Import Failed. Reason: Access denied" When I check the Tomcat logs I see that same error but there's nothing more to go on. I tried exporting the reports with and without the permissions intact option but can't get either to import. Any ideas on what I can check here? Thanks!

  3. I'm going to install JasperReports Server 5.5 on a Windows 7 32 bit VM. We have an existing install of JasperServer 3.7 running on Windows Server 2003. I would like to export our existing reports and settings, etc into the new install. How do I go about doing that. Can I do an export of the SQL in the existing MySQL database then import it into the new install's database? What other xml and properties files will need copied and edited? Thanks!

  4. I downloaded the install for Jasper Reports Server 4.0 since that's the upgrade step from our current JasperServer 3.7. It also has the newer version of Apache Tomcat that we're after. How can I install this and then import all of our reports, data sources, users, artifacts, settings, etc so everything looks and works the same as it does now?
  5. Hi there, we're running JasperServer 3.7 with the embedded Apache Tomcat, v5.5 I believe. I'd like to upgrade just the instance of Tomcat to v 6.0.39 in order to appease a security vulnerability. Is this possible/compatible and what would I need to do? This is on Windows Server 2003. Thanks!

  6. I have an input control 'for_user' on the JasperServer that is setup as a non-mandatory single select query. I am passing that to a parameter which I'm using in the where clause of my report query in iReport. What I'd like to do is have the parameter be the SQL wildcard '%' if the user doesn't select anything from the input control dropdown so the report will return all results. My report query looks like this:

    select from

    If the user selects something from the 'for_user' input control dropdown the report returns results, if they don't and leave it blank the report returns nothing. I have the defaul value expression of the 'for_user' parameter in iReport set as "%" but it seems to be ignoring that. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks!

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