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Posts posted by Acidus

  1. Sure! I added jrxml file to my first post.


    Problem can be seeen by changing element "detail 2.2" print expression.

    If it is printed then it will appear in page 1.

    If it is NOT printed then it will still appear in page 1, but as a blank line. It should have been removed by "Remove line when blank" property.


    Actually if I am doing it right then it might be a JasperReport problem not iReport.

  2. I'll explain the problem using attached image.

    I have 2 detail bands. First band is max size and at the bottom there are 4 elements, two of those are blank and are removed (because of "Remove line when blank" property), so there is free space for 2 elments from second detail band. When report is compiled, elements "detail 1.3" and "detail 1.4" are removed and elements "detail 2.1" and "detail 2.2" apear in their place on first page (element "detail 2.3" remains on page 2). So it works OK! BUT - when I set element "detail 2.2" as blank, compiler removes it only in second band. When elements are shifted to first page, compiler suddenly thinks that previously removed element "detail 2.2" is still visible and draws a blank line. Element "detail 2.3" of course stays on page 2 insted of moving to page 1.

    How can I force it to move "detail 2.3" element to page 1 when element "detail 2.2" is removed (blank) or is it a bug?




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