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Posts posted by jonay.santana

  1. Hello all. I'm working on a report that shows some information about geolocalized events. I used to work with the "Map" element, but since it only works with Google Maps, I had to switch to a custom WMS server (due to licensing issues).

    The only way I have to show a map within a report is using the "Image" element, and setting its expression string to the WMS generated image. That string, entered in a browser window, works flawlessly. But as soon as I enter it on Jaspersoft Studio, the whole environment becames unstable. It hangs for 10 to 15 seconds, responds briefly for 1 to 3 seconds, and hangs again.

    It seems that Jasper is fetching the image from the WMS server in a loop, not giving the WMS enough time to generate and send the image. Even before the WMS server has send the image, Jasper asks again for it, again and again. I've checked the logs from the server, and Jasper keeps asking for the image every five seconds or so.

    Is there any way to force Jaspersoft Studio Community 6.0.4 to NOT fetch the image until previewing the report? I don't mind seeing the image while I'm working, as soon as it is displayed when the report asks for it.

    Thanks in advance, best regards.

  2. Hello all. I'm working on a report that shows some information about geolocalized events. I used to work with the "Map" element, but since it only works with Google Maps, I had to switch to a custom WMS server (due to licensing issues).

    The only way I have to show a map within a report is using the "Image" element, and setting its expression string to the WMS generated image. That string, entered in a browser window, works flawlessly. But as soon as I enter it on Jaspersoft Studio, the whole environment becames unstable. It hangs for 10 to 15 seconds, responds briefly for 1 to 3 seconds, and hangs again.

    It seems that Jasper is fetching the image from the WMS server in a loop, not giving the WMS enough time to generate and send the image. Even before the WMS server has send the image, Jasper asks again for it, again and again. I've checked the logs from the server, and Jasper keeps asking for the image every five seconds or so.

    Is there any way to force Jaspersoft Studio Community 6.0.4 to NOT fetch the image until previewing the report? I don't mind seeing the image while I'm working, as soon as it is displayed when the report asks for it.

    Thanks in advance, best regards.


  3. Hello, Hugo, thanks for your reply.

    It's true that there is no element in Jaspersoft Studio's Palette for WMS maps, but I've been able to provide the URL of a WMS server with some modifications to display the map I'd like to include in the report. But I cannot draw pointers on a picture. And I cannot (or at least, I have not) found a way to leave Google Maps aside and use another map server, be it Bing, Yahoo, Openstreetmap, or another (WMS).

    I expected to select my map provider in Jaspersoft Studio, but it seems to be harder than I thought.

    All feedback welcome.


    Best regards.


  4. Hello. I'm working on some reports, where I want to use the map element, and locate some events with markers. I've got a few questions that I have not found previously answered:

    * Google maps is great, but I'd like to replace their maps with some others, via a WMS server with cartography better suited for the report's goals. Is there an easy way of doing this?

    * As I said, I must locate a few events (latitude, longitude) on the map. I need to adjust zoom level and the center of the map based on the latitude and longitude of these events, and since they can be quite disperse, I cannot fix a static center and zoom level, they need to be adjusted depending on the result of th SQL query that feeds the report.

    Thanks in advance for your replies.

    Best regards.

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