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Posts posted by mr.john.lynn

  1. We create reports using iReport, and use parameters and sub-reports, and everything is great. After deploying to Jaspersoft BI Server, there's an additional step that needs to be done in order for the deployed report to function with its parameters (Input Controls) and sub-reports (Resources). 

    This is all well and good - but the problem is when selecting the Input Control (or Resource), the dialog that shows the folders to choose from does not include our company folder, which is located under Organization / Organizations / companyName .. like so: 



    "Lela" is the company name, in this case. When using the "Locate Input Control" to select it from the repository though, only these folders are shown:


    In other words, the "Lela" folder cannot be seen. 

    How can we get our folder to be available in this dialog? If it's a configuration change, we're OK with that. 



  2. If a non-administrative user goes to the Home page of Jaspersoft BI Server AWS, and clicks on "Create Ad Hoc View", there are no topics showing in the Data Chooser under Topics.

    I've limited the permissions to NO ACCESS for all of the "sample" folders in the repository, but we do have our own folder where everything goes (under Organizations/Organization/OurCompany)

    How do I tell the home page to look THERE for topics, instead of wherever it's looking?

    Thanks for any pointers!


  3. Thank you  very much for your assistance! 
    I am indeed using iReport, editing the report and then using "Replace with current document" in the Repository Navigator. 
    It's helpful to realize that the "Define an Input Control in the next step" can really be interpreted as "Thank you  very much for your assistance! It's helpful to realize that the "Define or Edit an Input Control in the next step." Once that's selected, it's really just a series of "Next" button clicks to go through the steps of editing the input control. 
    I was able to fix the query that the control uses. Now all I need to do is get the parameter for the report working so that I actually get results! 
    Thanks again.



  4. Running Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Server on AWS:
    I am seeing several curious things regarding Input Controls. I wanted to add a parameter to a report, so I created an Input Control - a dropdown list that supports multiple selection. 
    When I run the report though, the Input Control appears, but all of the entries are blank. They're there, and you can select them, but they appear as blank lines. 
    No problem, I thought -- maybe I did something wrong. So I went to the report in the repository, selected it and then clicked on the "Edit" button up on the menu bar at the top of the list of reports. 
    I get the "Set Up the Report" page, with a little menu box on the left with the selections: "Set Up", "Controls & Resources", and so on. I select "Controls & Resources" and on the resulting page are all 
    of the Input Controls for the report. Each control is a clickable link (I see in the browser status bar that clicking on a control will invoke: javascript:resourceReport.editControl('controlName')
    Great, so I click on the link for the control and then - the next page is "Locate Input Control". The choices are 1) Define an Input Control in the next step, or 2) Select an Input Control from the repository
    Well, I don't think that I want to "define" one, I did that already. So I select Select from the repository but then I cannot find the control anywhere in the repository. So I am stuck. 
    Try this for the Freight Report (/organizations/organization_1/reports/samples/Freight). Try and locate the "Country" input control. I don't know if this is maybe a permissions/roles issue, but I tried it with
    jasperadmin, superuser, our users with our roles, etc etc
    Should we be able to edit Input Controls? Thanks for any insight.

    This may be related to: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/811820/input-controls-jasperserver-pro-aws-ad-hoc-viewsreports

  5. I can create a domain, and then create an Ad Hoc View using the domain, but when I go to the list of Ad Hoc Views and select one, the "Edit" button at the top is always grayed out/disabled. 

    This happens no matter what permissions/roles that I have. 

    I've seen the wiki article http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/hyperlink-edit-adhoc-report-jasperreports-server-ad-hoc-designer  but is that the *only* way to edit an Ad Hoc View after creating one?




  6. Thanks for the response. I wonder then if the JASPERREPORTSSERVER

    ADMINISTRATORGUIDE RELEASE 5.1 is just in error at the start of Chapter 2 "ORGANIZATION, USER, ANDROLEMANAGEMENT" where they say:


    "Community edition users, and administrators of deployments with a default single organization can generally skip this

    section. However, this procedure can be used to change the name of the default organization."

  7. The Manage tab only shows Users, Roles, and Server Settings, even when logged on with a user with administrator, superuser, etc..

    Is there a way to change the organization name from "organization_1"? (which has a display name of: "Organization")

    Thanks for any pointers

    edit: Actually, it looks like according to /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/actionModel-navigation.xml -- that section of the code that enables Organizations in the Manage Menu is for Jasper Pro only:


    If that's true, I can understand limiting the menu item, but there should be some other way for Jaspersoft AWS customers to change the organization name

  8. Problem is solved. The password for the data source is 50 characters long, which I guess is expanded because of encryption before storing it. 

    The Password field on that data source web form should limit the field to some maximum length, in my opinion. 

    For now, I changed my datasource password to be a short string. 

  9. I fired up my nice shiny new Jaspersoft 5.0.3 instance in Amazon EC2, and the first thing that I tried to do was add a JDBC data source. 

    So I went to Create and then Data Source, and filled out all the information to point to a mySQL database that resides in another AWS instance. 

    I clicked the "Test Connection" button and got the message "Connection passed" at the top of the screen. 

    When I hit Submit to save the data source, I get a many-pages-long exception and stack trace. 

    Looking at the stack trace, it looks like the main cause is:  "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(100)"

    Which value is too long? There's nothing unusual about this data source. And Test Connection was happy with it.

    Any ideas of what to do would be greatly appreciated! 




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