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Posts posted by quique123

  1. I have used the jasperserver repo for a long time in my office.  It has always worked fine on my laptop on google chrome.  A couple of days ago the it guy was working on it, he uploaded new reports to the repo and upgraded it to v6.  I was able to see the reports he uploaded just fine.  But then when he finished uploading all the other reports and I came in yesterday, i log in fine but the reports dont show up.  Nothing shows up listed in the left hand pane.  But if I navigate to the same server, same ip, same user, in Safari, I can view the entire reports tree and view the reports.

    Ive cleared my cookies for that IP and the browsing history in chrome for that IP as well.  What else can I do?

  2. It seems awfully complicated for such a common case scenario.  A monthly grouped sales analysis of the current year is the most basic sales operation one would expect from an ERP yet this is the problem Im having.  Im using iReport to create my jasper reports from my postgre SQL openERP database.

    My table is account_invoice and my fields are amount.total, date_invoice and create_date.  The issue is that create_date is the date in which the invoice was created in openERP but date_invoice is the date in which that invoice was finalized.  From what my technician tells me, the difference is that an invoice may be created on the first of the month but until all backorder items are received or until the cashier has time to actually post it and print it out, there is a delay.  That delay is the difference between create_date and date_invoice.

    So I fetch my data like so:

    selectsum(account_invoice.amount_total), CASE to_char(date_invoice,'mm') WHEN '01' THEN  'Enero'  WHEN '02' THEN 'Febrero'  WHEN '03' THEN  'Marzo' WHEN '04' THEN  'Abril' WHEN '05' THEN  'Mayo' WHEN '06' THEN  'Junio' WHEN '07' THEN  'Julio' WHEN '08' THEN  'Agosto' WHEN '09' THEN  'Septiembre' WHEN '10' THEN  'Octubre' WHEN '11' THEN  'Noviembre' WHEN '12' THEN 'Diciembre' end [/code]
    from account_invoice[/code]
    GROUP BY case to_char(date_invoice,'mm') WHEN '01' THEN  'Enero'  WHEN '02' THEN 'Febrero'  WHEN '03' THEN  'Marzo' WHEN '04' THEN  'Abril' WHEN '05' THEN  'Mayo' WHEN '06' THEN  'Junio' WHEN '07' THEN  'Julio' WHEN '08' THEN  'Agosto' WHEN '09' THEN  'Septiembre' WHEN '10' THEN  'Octubre' WHEN '11' THEN  'Noviembre' WHEN '12' THEN 'Diciembre' end[/code]

    which seems awfully complicated to begin with, but ok.  Now the issue is that this generates a small table in iReport Data Preview with 6 months of data in our openERP so far plus a 7th category with null as the category

    March - xxxx

    April - yyyy

    May - zzzz

    June - aaaa

    July - bbbbb

    August - ccccc

             - dddddd

    Where dddd corresponds to null values which are not able to be plotted.  They are reported in a text based report but the plot is not plottable due to a null category.  But thats just a technical issue.  The fact remains that those null category invoices actually belong to the current month, August.  And I would want to group them as such.  So my question is how do I group those nulls into the current month?  One last thing, this results in a table with the months out of order.  The table results in March then February, then May then August or something like that.  So when its plotted in the bar chart, the months are not in order.  I tried order by and the exact same case statement but it orders the months Alphabetically.

  3. select case to_char(date_invoice,'mm') when '01' then 'Enero' when '02' then 'Febrero' when '03' then 'Marzo' when '04' then 'Abril' when '05' then 'Mayo' when '06' then 'Junio' when '07' then 'Julio' when '08' then 'Agosto' when '09' then 'Septiembre' when '10' then 'Octubre' when '11' then 'Noviembre' when '12' then 'Diciembre' end from account_invoice
  4. Im trying to design a SQL query to display all added sales from a partner_id grouped by month.

    So I have this so far but im having trouble with the sql syntax.  Ive tried month(date), ive tried datepart(mm,date), ive tried date_format(date) and datename(date) but they all return sql error function does not exist in iReport Designer


    select sum(account_invoice.amount_total), MONTH(account_invoice.create_date)MONTH from account_invoice where account_invoice.partner_id = 837 group by MONTH(account_invoice.create_date)[/code]
  5. I want to pull data from my openERP db via the jaspersoft 4.7 browser interface.  I can see the sample reports that come installed.  I have also created 2 reports using iReport Designer which was a bit complicated as I recall.  

    Is there a way to use templated that simply plug into the existing database for the run-of-the-mill reports, such as total sales per month?

  6. I originally had OpenERP installed on my Windows Server (X.X.X.108 IP).  OpenERP was at localhost:8069 and JasperServer on localhost:8080.

    We then changed to a Ubuntu installation so now the OpenERP is at X.X.X.100 (a virtual machine Ubuntu installation on the windows server).  So we access OpenERP, from the windows server, as X.X.X.100.  But we access the old JasperServer Installation still at X.X.X.108.  But how can I have that JasperServer read the reports I am creating and saving in iReport?  Because it seems to be reading the old repository.


    Im using OpenERP 6 and JasperServer 4.7.0 and iReport 4.7.0.

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