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Posts posted by vid.ogris

  1. Hello

    I am trying to connect to Json datasource (file). The connection is successful but when reading field or trying to get schema of the file I am getting an error The active connection is not of type JDBC.Activate JDBC connection first.

    Or if I go to DAtaSource Provider tab the error is: the active connection is not a JasperReports DataSource provider. 

    Any ideas? Is it even possible to parse json file to get fields out?


    Thank you

  2. I am using iReport 5.6 and when I set conditional formatting for cells in a table preview in iReport works ok

    When I save as xls document the table is shown the cells are colored and values are in the cells but they (values) are not displayed. If I set cell color to normal I can see the values. Any ideas how to fix it. Either in Excel or iReport (preferably)?

    Print screen of excel




  3. I am using jasper ireport 5.6 and after changing properties




    from false to true, I cannot change them back. Values are always set to true.


    Any ideas??


    thank you

  4. I'm using iReport 5. I have the following question.
    I want the groups to be printed in two columns side by side. I already checked print group in new column, but it only prints two groups per page. I want all (or as much as possible ) groups to be printed on one page. also keep together property is checked


    Group1   Group2
    Detail1     Detail1
    Detail2     Detail2

    Group3   Group4
    Detail1     Detail1
    Detail2     Detail2


    Now when printing group3 and group4 , they are printed on a new page. I do not want it to break page for groups 3 and 4

    any suggestions?

    thank you

  5. Hello

    Using iReport 5.smth, I have the following question.
    I want the groups to be printed in two columns side by side. I already chech print group in new column, but it only prints two groups per page. I want all groups to be printed on one page 


    Group1                      Group 2 
      detail 1                        detail 1
      derail 2                        detail 2

    Group3                      Group 4
      detail 1                        detail 1
      derail 2                        detail 2


    Now when printing group3 and group4 , they are printed on new page. I do not want it to break page

    any suggestions??

    thank you

    best regards

  6. Hello

    I am using iReport 4.5.0

    Is it possible to send a field value from one dataset to another (maybe first send to main report and then to another dataset)??

    I have main report and 4 datasets, and I have a lot of subqueries in each dataset. To reduce some time I would like to send some values that I get from one dataset to another

    any suggestions

    thank you 


  7. Hello

    I am working on report for IBM DB2.

    I have a select Query that includes with statement at beginning and then normal query that calls the with statement in some case conditions.

    Report works but the data I get in a report is different from the one i get if i run the sql query alone in my SQL database browser software for fields that are in with statement.

    The database gets the right query. I have checked in database logs

    any suggestions??

    Thank you

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