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Posts posted by rubamushtaq

  1. Hi,

    You just  need to add group in your report ,and you can add the group by right click on your report name where you will find the option "Add report group" ,and then you will have group wizard. Now you will give name to group ,and set "Group by the following report object"= Leads_status(The field coming from database). Remove group by statement from your query and add "sort by leads_status" in your query.

    I hope you may find your desired result 



  2. You are right you have already done it,I could not remember it.Anyhow the solution is working fine as I run it. I would recommend you to check the classes of your variables and make sure that they all are types of integer and also make sure that you have not coming null values in it from the database. Beacuse the above specifiatons should work when the correct data is present.

    You need to set JDK path in config file.

    See below the path that should be something like this..

    C:Program Files (x86)JaspersoftiReport-3.7.0etc

    In the 'etc' folder you will find the config file where you have to set the jdkhome like this (jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6" ).And you have to give jdk path not jre. Do check you have installed jdk.However your mentioned path does not show that to me.          

    The same question had been asked before and was answered. I would recommend you to first search your question or query before asking so you may not need to wait for the answer. 

  4. Hi,

    I need to design the report which shows records on parameter basis.

    I have following requirements along with parameters.

    1 $P{Report_Type}=Half Yearly or Monthly.

    2.$P{ Report_ Date}='DDMMYYYY'

    Now If I have to get monthly record I need to find the $P{Report_Date} month and then print the records from the 1st day of that month.

    And when I have to get half yeraly report it will bechecked wheather $P{Report_Date} lies between dates(01-01-2012 to 30-06-2012) then print record  from (01-01-2012 till 30-06-2012)

    or when $P{Report_Date}  lies between dates (01-07-2012 to 31-12-2012) then print records from dates (01-07-2012 to 31-12-2012). Please let me know how can I do this in sql query? 




  5. If you do not want to keep repeating the details you need to delete the detail band and just create your own detail with static text  and fields or according to your requirement  under the 'section' you are creating. 

  6. You have no record at the report because your parameter does not get satisfied according to the condition you might have given in query,and it shows "The document has no page" even if you display static text ,it would not be shown.I think you should compare both queries one you run in sql and other you run in ireport and you can check the output by deleting parameter from the report and then run it. Then you may have better idea where the thing are being done incorrectly.

  7. You need to set JDK path in config file.

    See below the path that should be something like this..

    C:Program Files (x86)JaspersoftiReport-3.7.0etc

    In the 'etc' folder you will find the config file where you have to set the jdkhome like this (jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6" ).And you have to give jdk path not jre. Do check you have installed jdk.However your mentioned path does not show that to me.

  8. The very functions of DateIff always shows an error that DATEDIFF is invalid identifier. Kindly note that I am using oracle sql developer.I wonder would that funtion be supported?.I have checked the type of feilds ,they are valid dates and they get printed but whenever I take difference ,I get an error.Anyhow I really do appreciate your response.
  9. Hi, I have created the groups in my report and they all get printed as the conditions expressed get fulfiiled and records get printed ,but the problem is that I want to show the static text and columns I have put in group to appear blank when there is no record . Can anyone tell me how to do it?. I have been playing with lots of tricks but could not find any help.



  10. Hi, I have been reading all the answers on calculating date difference but I could not get it yet. Can any one tell me how can I get the days from the difference of two timestamps fields in ireport.

    I would like to show my sql query,


       1.      Nvl((Select Max(c.finish_date)
                  from code_det cd, os_historystep c
                  where cd.module_code = 'RPT'
                   ),'') appReciveddt,-- This is first date field.
    2.          Nvl((Select Max(c.start_date)
                  from code_det cd, os_historystep c
                  where cd.module_code = 'RPT'
                   ) ),'') creditristdt,--This is second date field. From table.....
    I need to get the days=creditristdt - appRecivedd. I want the "days" as a field in sql .I do not want to store the days in variable. Kindly tell me how to acheive this?
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