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Posts posted by ldalberti

  1. Converting from iReport 3.7 to Studio 6 and one of the glaring changes is that the subreports used to be shaded a gray color so it was easy to see where it was on the page. Now it's completely see through with just a box around it. Is there a way to turn the shading back on? 

  2. We are converting over from iReport to Studio 6.1. We're finding the learning curve pretty steep as a lot has changed. We're trying to incorporate our SVN files into Studio. We have successfully connected to SVN and using the project wizard can create a new Project with the SVN files. Only issue we're having is that it doesn't have access to certain external jar files needed. On manual projects, I see a Build Path option when you right click on the project but for these SVN projects, that option does not exist. Does anyone know how to get the SVN project to see jar files?

  3. I am developing a bar chart (Jasper 4.7) that has three "Statuses": Approved, Pass, Fail. I want each bar to be a different color (i.e. green, yellow, red). So I've set up my query to give me the three status and the subsequent numbers for each. When I use the Palette Colors to specify the three colors ("00FF66,FFFF00,FF0000"), the three status only show in green.  In the Chart Data, I have setup one dataset item. What's weird is that if I have multiple dataset items, each status is basically duping the data so each each status has  red, yellow, green bars inside it.. Why isn't it working on just one dataset?

    Dataset Item:

    Series Expression: "Status"

    Category Expression: $F{STATUS} note: this is Approved, Pass, Fail

    Value Expression: $F{Total} note: this is 42 for Approved, 35 for Pass, etc.

    Display Value Expression: nothing

    Any ideas?


  4. Hello all,

    We are trying out a new system for managing our Jasper reports. We have a set of default subreports that on some occasions a specific client wants to override and use another format. What I'm trying to do it setup a "Reports" folder that contains the top-level reports with two subfolders within there called "Client" and "Standard". What I want to do is setup the Subreport Expression to first look at the Client subfolder for a specifically named file and if it doesn't exist, go to the "Standard" subfolder and pull the standard named file. This is my code in the Main Report (located in the Reports folder) to set up the condition so far but it always returns false:

    new Boolean(new File($P{SUBREPORT_DIR}+"\Client\"+"InvCover_subInvoiceInfo_ABCD.jasper").exists())

    The SUBREPORT_DIR parameter is set to "./", but I've used ".\" with no success. I have confirmed that the file does exist in that folder, so I don't know why it's coming back as false. I have tried setting up variables to add the subfolder name to SUBREPORT_DIR, but again no success. Any ideas? Thanks.

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