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Everything posted by sagarnikam123

  1. I am using sample dataset to put problem simply to understand,please dont suggest me to optimize/change mysql logic/queries. I have output of main query in .jrxml file(main table) i am taking "book_id" as user input. want to made subdataset_1 by using "book_id" input & some fields from main table as 1)subdataset_1 select AuthMn,AuthFN from main_table where BookID=$P{book_id}--->subdataset_1 2)subdataset_2 select AuthMN from subdataset_1 3)printing subdatset_2 without using any widget from pallete of ireport (e.g. table,crosstab,charts..etc) Can anyone guide my how to access main table's fields & parameters in subdataset_1 ? & accessing fields from subdataset_1 to another dataset ?
  2. I run query given in .jrxml file in mysql prompt with parameters(substuted as values given below) same which i used to give,when running ireport parameters-->PEMID-2111, PodID-11,12,13,14,15 , StartDate - '2011-1-1' , EndDate - '2013-12-13' mysql output:- - ireport output:- intra-fho-actual-short-send. why this is happening ? even i give full space for printing in detail band
  3. i am using mysql database,ireport 4.7 i created main dataset (e.g. A) in a report,i want to use some fields from maindatset A to create subdatset B. then wants to create subdataset C ( by taking some fields from parameters ,some from A & some from subdataset B) and at last wants to prints table C i tried to combine all my queries into single querie,but it ends on complex queries & all frustations how sould i proceed ? is there any tutorial/how to for this ?
  4. @ajinkya_c,but where to add this condition.can u specify by seeing related file attached.
  5. i have below query...i want to show zero instaed of null. i tried with different datatypes for last two variables null-send.
  6. I am importing PODID_input(String) parameter(input control also) from main report to subreport,by subreport >properties>parameters>copy from master>add,PODID_input Also i add this parameter explicitly to subreport by same name & type String. but while compiling,it gives error "Error filling print... java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Map"
  7. I am taking input using "Input Control",using that i want to generate/create many table in mysql database....& ultimately final table(which can be directly used to show output) but when i am puting text "create table",inside query designer ,it show error about "can not issue data manipulation statement with execute query()" so i go by differnt way......as...giving two queries in one table. but when i am giving more than one query(by editing .jrxml file as below ),it again gives error edited source code----> select distinct PEMID,PEMName from PEMs select DoctorID from PodDoctorMap where PodID in ($P{PEM_ID}) and StartDate >= $P{StartDate} and EndDate <= $P{EndDate}
  8. I put name of jsp file as "index.jsp" in side jasperserver as AddResources-->JasperReport-->Customiztion-->JSP location.. JSP file is inside "/jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/jsp",even though it gives error as below. I want to load this jsp file first when i click on report inside server,which will takes inputs from user & gives that value to Main.jrxml file but it gives below error when i put that file The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience. Error Message java.lang.IllegalStateException: Exception occurred rendering view org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView: name 'modules/viewReport/reportOutput'; URL [/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/viewReport/reportOutput.jsp]
  9. I am using Jaspersoft iReport & Jasperserver,I want to take many input from user in Jasperserver & using that values,want to generate dynamic query mysql at back end in server to show report.
  10. I want to show two tables on same report. I want sum of some field from first table so I do it in summary section & add another table in summary section,but it gives null values. doctor-report-send(2).
  11. DoctorID is an integer,i want to sum them...forget about ID,its an misleading name,sum means adding all values of column "DoctorID" to get actual total instead of 9 in last row
  12. I have this report but i am not figure out how to sum all values present in column "DoctorID" ? I just put variable $V{COLUMN_COUNT},it gives no of rows in a column
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