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Posts posted by meghrach

  1. Hi,

    We have a jaspersoft server running on solaris. When we run adhoc reports  ( These reports are not complex)  it takes 8-10 seconds to come up. CPU's on the server get pegged at 75-90% for 3-4 seconds and we have 2 CPU's ( 1 core each). When the Dashboard has 4 reports it takes 30 seconds for the dashboard to show up and CPU get pegged at 70-90% for 15 seconds. This is with only one user.  Can I get some baseline statistics in a production environment and kind of CPU's for intel and sparc are being used to support 50 users.



  2. Hi,

    I have a XML file from which I am trying to generate reports and bar charts. I was able to generate reports but I am not able to do bar charts. I have attached the sample XML file.

    I am using listbands for the sub dataset (XPATH "/assessment/results/pass" to get count parameter) and the main dataset is (XPATH "/dashbroad/assessments/assessment to get deviceName parameter").  I am using a parameter HOSTNAME whose expression is $F(devicename}. In the listband I have $F{count} and $P{HOSTNAME}. Reports are generated fine,  listing the HOSTNAME and the Count.

    My question is how can I generate bar graphs giving the value of count  parameter for each devicename.  If all the parameters in XML file were under root it would have be straightfoward to generate reports and graphs. I have attached the jrxml file.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  3. Thanks for the reply. I went through he authentication cookbook but it didn't help with the configuration I am doing.


    I want to authenticate local users like jasperadmin and superuser stored in the database using MD5 encoding and external users stored in the LDAP directory using SHA encoding.


    For local users I can use the daoAuthenticationProvider and the MD5PasswordEncoder class. For external users I am using password comparison ldapAuthenticationProvider and

    LdapShaPasswordEncoder class. I cannot use two password encoders in the configuration.

    I throws me an error during tomcat startup. My question how can I authenticate local users using MD5 encoding and external users using SHA encoding and password comparsion.



  4. Hi,

    I want use both password encoder like ShaPasswordEncoder / MD5PasswordEncoder for bean daoAuthenticationProvider and password encoder like LdapShaPasswordEncoder for bean ldapAuthenticationProvider to do password comparions.I am successful if I use one at a time but when I can't use the declaration

    <property name="passwordEncoder"><ref local="passwordEncoder"/></property> twice. Tomcat fails to start . I need to authenticate both local users using daoAuthenticationProvider and external LDAP users using ldapAuthenticationProvider using the passwordcomparison class. How can I do this ?




  5. Here you go this is the LDAP configuration


    pidfile /var/run/slapd.pid

    argsfile /var/run/slapd.args

    allow bind_v2

    password-hash {MD5}


    database hdb

    suffix ""

    rootdn "cn=xxxxx"

    rootpw xxxxx

    directory /usr/local/database

    index objectClass eq


    Users are stored in this format.


    dn: cn=TEST, ou=one, o=xxx

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: person

    objectClass: organizationalPerson

    cn: TEST

    sn: TEST


    title: admin


    My question which LDAP encoder class should I use to do a password comparsion in jaspersecurity. THe MD5 used here is MD5 Hex anot MD5 Base 64.


    Thanks for your help.




  6. Passwords in our  LDAP are stored using MD5 Hex. I am using LDAP passwordcomparionauthenticator to compare the passwords. What passwordencoder class should I be using. I see for SHA encoding, passwordencoder LDAPShaPasswordEncoder can be used.



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