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Posts posted by tbrown

  1. We're using a jdbc driver to connect to a virtual database. The driver name is infadsjdbc.jar.

    We have gotten simple reports to run from iReports 4.2.0. We are also using JasperServer 4. I am trying to load a jrxml report (the simple one we created in iReports) into the repository. I am able to create a data source and also get a success message when hitting the test button within the data source. The only thing the report has is 5 fields with nothing else. But when I run the report I get the attached error message.

    The last thing we did was insert the jar file into the tomcat lib directory, which enabled us to get the success message from the data source. We found this in other threads but couldn't find one that addresses what to do when you get a successful connection from the data source.

    Again we are able to run the same report in iReport so the database is up and running.


    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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