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Posts posted by baerwester

  1. I have a report with a chart. Generally a wide variety of values are successfully displayed on the chart. In one case the values
    are either 1.011 or 1.012 for the range or Y axis. That is, the user tries to generate a chart and some of the values are 1.011 and some are 1.012.
    The challenge is, the chart is scaled incorrectly on the range or Y axis. The labels range from 1.000 to 1.010 with increments of .001. As the top of the chart is 1.010, the values 1.011 and 1.012 fall off of the top of the chart and don't appear on the chart.
    Can anybody explain how the range or Y axis is derived beyond stating that the axis is derived from the data. And why, in this case, is the axis derived
    Is there a way to configure the chart to display the range or Y axis more correctly
    I edit a jrxml file. I do not use iReports or java api.
    Thanks for all of your assistance and good ideas

  2. our application uses jasper 3.7.1 on windows. At one or our installations, reports don't print and in the log we find

    Font 'Arial' is not available to the JVM. See the Javadoc for more details.

    This is only happening at one installation.

    We get them on the air with the ignore missing fonts property, but we agree that that is not really a good solution.

    We find in the file system: c:\windows\fonts\arial.ttf which leads us to conclude that arial is or should be available.

    We want our application to be standard across all of our installations. A font extension package doesn't seem like the answer as all of our other installations can find arial without a font extension. Also, we prefer not to modiy the jrxmls to resolve a situation at one installation as the jrxmls work at all of our other installations

    Can anybody suggest what we might look at?

    Thanks for any ideas, suggestions or insights

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