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Posts posted by milltj

  1. Hi:

    Does anyone have an example of a simple standalone java application that would use the Web Services list jobs summary from a jasperserver-ce-4.7 instance?  I am wanting to explore this functionality but am struggling with the basics. I have been trying to use the WSClient.jar file but have no idea on what setup needs to be done to make it happen. I have tried to find a non webapp instance (really want it to be a standalone app) but can't find anything. Please if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

    - Tim

  2. The example of the burst functionality does work however the one thing that it does not do is store the data in the repository. Which at this point is a critical piece of the system.

    The logic flow of what I was trying to do follows something like this:
    // Connect to the database and retrieve the Site ID's and Email addresses
    //For Each Site ID Do the following:
        Generate the transaction report for the Site ID, START_DATE, END_DATE
        Store the report in the repository
        Email the report to the SIte Email address(es)
    My thought was that a pojo  would handle the logic logic by sending a web services job request for each site and once the job was completed another web services request would be generated to remove the job from the system.  The pojo would be controlled by a cron job that runs on a weekly basis.
    Does that make sense or is there an easier or better way to do it?  While I am not new to Java, I am new to web services and Jaspersoft so I appreciate all the help/direction.
    - Tim
  3. Hi everyone, I have a report that is generated for multiple site entities and then emailed out to specific users.  Currently I only have 3 sites to generate the report for so I setup a seperate job for each site. Is it possible to setup a single job that would execute the report for each Site ID and then automatically email the report to the correct users for that site?  I couldn't find a way to do that in with the scheduler interface and was wondering if anyone else has ever had this type of need and how did you solve it?  If you used the web services I would be very interested to seeing an example.

    I appreciate any help/guidance anyone can provide.


    - Tim



    I am new to Jasperserver and have successfully deployed my first report.  My report relies on three input parameters (1 ID and 2 Date fields). My Date input controls are working great, but I am having a problem with the ID input control. I started by defining it as a simple Text entry box and it works great. Right now there are only 3 different ID's to choose from, but as the table grows, I can't expect the users to remember all of the ID's.  So  I defined a Single Select Query input box which pulls 2 fields from a table, one is an ID number and the other is a Company name.  When I run the report it correctly populates the box and I am able to select any of the entries, but when the report runs it always uses the ID for the first entry in the drop down box.  My Input box is defined with the following parameters:

    Mandatory: true
    Visible: true

    Value Column: ID
    Visible Column: COMPANY_NAME

    I am stumped as to why it is doing this.  I would appreciate any help I can get on this one!


    - Tim

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