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Posts posted by maartenvd84

  1. Hi,

    We use JasperReports in our software and allow customers to use Jasper Studio to manage their report templates. Due to the changes in the license conditions, we no longer ship Oracle Java, but rather OpenJDK in our software. Now one of our customer raised a good question: what about the JRE that is shipped with Jasper Studio. Can this still be used or should the customer reference another Java version (OpenJDK) to be in line with Oracle's license conditions.



  2. We've been using iReport for many years. When it became 'end-of-life', we switched to Jasper Studio. In iReport, when a new sub-report element was added, and a new sub-report was created, the master report referenced the sub-report always with the expression "$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + blank_report.jasper". In Jasper Studio, the project directory structure was used in the expression instead... e.g. "projectDir/projectSubDir/blank_report.jasper". This is often a problem, since the clients that deploy these reports do not put their "blank_report.jasper" in that exact same project directory sturcture as the one that was used in the designer.

    Is there a way to have some kind of backwards compatbile setting without having to change the reference each time manually?





  3. Hello,

    For some reason the Map Component does not work at my side, even the example that was delivered with 4.7.0. I get a conversion error as shown in the screenshot below. Am I using the wrong Java version (all other components seem to work just fine).


     Any ideas?

    I tried to do some conversions (casting) myself, but everytime it seems to fail...



  4. Dear phnxck,

    Thx a lot for your quick reply!! I went through the topics you indicated and was able - Hoera Hoera!! - to generate the PDF/A1-B file. Magic! /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/lightbulb.gif

    Very strange that you need to define a default style before you can get this working though... but no mater how you do it, the result is there: It works like a charm!

    Thanks again! Highly appreciated!


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