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Posts posted by theshreyas

  1. In iReport I am using the Internationalization using resourseBundle properties file.. But i have noticed that these properties files are placed in classpath of ireport....

    My query is I want those files to b placed somewhere out in other location except the class path of ireport and use the same properties file(which are placed outside) in iReport .... Can i achieve it? please do help.

  2. HI..Everyone!

    I want to use differant chart themes in the project for charts. I am creating the chart in the java program itself and sending the created graph as an java.awt.Image.. but the problem is that i can not apply different themes for the graph that has received as a java.awt.Image ..

    if i can not use the created theme in ireport for graphs then what is the use for that? how can I overcome this problem?

    please help, Thanks in advance..!

  3. Hey.,, Finally I have done it..

    Actually  datasourse was not going in subreport.. so i have changed the property of when no data to all sections,no data...

    then i have passed the collection variable where i have fetched the subreport records..

    by using   parameters.put("shape_data_all",allShape_Caliberation);

    then i have created a parameter in main report.. and changed its class to java.Util.Collection..

    then in subreport property, connection type=   Use a datasource expression

    Data Source Expression    new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($P{shape_data_all})

    Then added the fields in the subreport same as i am having the bean properties..

    Thank you..


  4. for both main and subreport i am passing the parameters through main report.

    for Subreport i have created mapping for the individual parameter.

    and instead of conection i have passed JrBeanCollectionDatasourse in fillManager() method...

    I hope this information may answer your question. If you  are still unclear with the information, you can ask again.. please refer the code i have  attached and the two reports master(report2) and subreport(report3) .. waiting for the help..

    thanks in advance..


  5. Hi.. i have passed the JrBeanCollectionDatasourse  from my java program to the ireport..(.jasper file)

    please tell me the steps i need to do in ireport for receiving this object and displaying the values in pdf.

    again i hav embedded the subreport in the summary of main report. please help me out for displaying the values in sub report also.

    I have fetched the data from two tables and saved in two beans. one bean(energy_calibration) for master report and 2nd bean(shape_calibration) for subreport

    please mention the steps i need to do for this in ireport. including the use of parameters

    the java code i m used is:-


    Post Edited by shreyas260989 at 07/12/2012 08:47

    Post Edited by shreyas260989 at 07/12/2012 08:55
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