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Posts posted by anjalisaxena

  1. I am having a similar kind of problem. The conditional color are getting applied when we export it as xls but it does not shows up when we export as xlsx. I am using jasper server 5.0. Everything was working good in 4.0 as we were only exporting xls. Any help is appreciated.




  2. Hi Lucian,

    Making the net.sf.jasperreports.style.evaluation.time.enabled = true works only if it is run report. If we schedule report the same is not working. Any work around for the same. I need this thing working deadly for schedule report. I am using Jasper 5.0 version.

    Appreciate your quick reposnse for the same.




  3. One more thing I will like to share, the way I am trying to capture cokkies


    DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();

    HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext();




    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();


    // Setting Login URL in a POST method

    String loginURL = "http://localhost:8070/jasperserver/rest/login";

    HttpPost loginCall = new HttpPost("http://localhost:8070/jasperserver/rest/login");

    PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(loginURL);


    new AuthScope("http://localhost", 8070),

    new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password"));


    cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();

    // Set authentication parameters

    postMethod.addParameter("j_username", "username");

    postMethod.addParameter("j_password", "password");

    int statusCode = client.executeMethod(postMethod);

    if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {

    System.out.println("Login failed: " + postMethod.getStatusLine());



    System.out.println("The value of login status is:"+postMethod.getStatusLine());



    // Create local HTTP context

    // Bind custom cookie store to the local context

    localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore);


    loginCall.setHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");


  4. Thanks for your reply. Exactly that's what I am trying to do. I am doing a POST and then in the above statement "http://localhost:8070/jasperserver/rest/resource/pathtoresource" here actually path to resource is the path to the reportunit, which is what I need to modify.

    Similarly in the same API I have a need to copy a reportunit from one folder to another within the jasperserver. For that I am using PUT which is giving me 400 error.

  5. Hi Chris, Appreciate your response.

    I have copied a jrxml from the server by GET method and now I am trying to put that back to the same location meaning I need to use addormodify, in REST API as per documentation I have to use POST method with resource service. I created a multi part request as per the above example. I am pasting the pseudo-code below

    MultipartEntity multipartEntity = null;

    HttpPost generateReport = new HttpPost("http://localhost:8070/jasperserver/rest/resource/pathtoresource");

    multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);

    multipartEntity.addPart("ResourceDescriptor", new StringBody(requestXml));

    multipartEntity.addPart("http://localhost:8070/jasperserver/rest/resource/pathtoresource", new FileBody(new File("location of jrxml")));


    HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(generateReport, localContext);


    Before this code I am calling the login function an I am getting status 200 but then 403.


  6. Hi All,

    I have started using Jasper Server CE 4.7 in my development environment in order to test the upgrade. Environment is Unix and we use weblogic 10c for our application. Everything works fine but during regression test we are getting too many files open error after running about 2-3 hours. The same weblogic runs perfect when we point it to Jasper Server CE 4.0. Both the Unix box has same configurations . The open file size on both the Unix box is 1024 and the weblogic is also same so looks like its the Jasper Server 4.7 which is causing this issues. Any pointers towards the same is deeply appreciable.

    Thnx Anjali......

  7.  Hi All,

    Recently we have migrated from jasperreports4.0 to jasperreports4.5.

    We had issue with Arial fonts and the fix we did is by creating the jar containing Arial.ttf as per the below link.


    Now on jasperreports4.5 the jrxml is having arial font with size 8 but the outpt in excel has arial with font 7. And its the issue everywhere and the arial fonts changes to 1 size lower defined in jrxml.


    Anyone faced this issue. Appreciate any help on the same.




    Post Edited by anjalisaxena at 09/14/2012 11:57

    Post Edited by anjalisaxena at 09/17/2012 10:07
  8.  Hi All,


    I migrated my jasperserver from 4.0 to 4.5 and placed the 4.5 jars in my API. I ran the upgrade script and ported my old mysql5.5 database and I was successfull in that. 

    After that when I am trying to run the reports from the api(java based) using new jars of 4.5 , I am getting below errors

     org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

    Column 'output_format' cannot be null

    The same database is still running good on jasperreports4.0 on the other servers.


    Anyone faced the similar issue please help. 

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