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  1. Hello, did you find a solution for your problem? Because we have a similar problem. The generated pdf (one page and only text) has a size of just 24KB. If I print this document, the driver of the printer (Lexmark pcl 5 universal) creates an internal spooling-file with the size of 2 MB. Is there a reason for the difference and a way to reduce the size of the spooling-file? Kind regards, Martin
  2. Hello, did you find a solution for your problem? Because we have a similar problem. The generated pdf (one page and only text) has a size of just 24KB. If I print this document, the driver of the printer (Lexmark pcl 5 universal) creates an internal spooling-file with the size of 2 MB. Is there a reason for the difference and a way to reduce the size of the spooling-file? Kind regards, Martin
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