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Posts posted by tedpet5

  1. What I discovered after a conversation with a jaspersoft engineer is that the iReport and JasperReports is very sensitive to the fonts that you use.

    I created my own font with fontographer by starting with a standard font, stripping out all the characters I don't need and creating a new font. Depending on the font settings of the original font, (the bounding box and interrnal size) it may not work properly.

    I examined fonts that did work and matched the settings, specifically the UPM square. (Font Information => Demensions) Set to 2048 and recalculate the font line spacing, etc with the "Calc all" button.

    After reimporting this newly sized font, this fixed my font issue.

  2. if the band would be displaying a string, you can click on the band's name in the Report Inspector,  I will assume that the data is called myTextData.

    So with the band's name selected, bring up the properties menu and add this to the "Print When Expression":

    $F{myTextData}.length() > 0

    this will allow you to fly in different bands depending on the content of you datum. Basically, you are saying, only print this band if the length of the object (string) is more than zero characters (meaning one or more than one)


  3. I am passing data to my jasperreport from my webapp. Each object is in the form of:


    description String

    usename String

    steps array of strings

    theDate date


    those objects are my Fields 

    In the iReport manual, it only mentions using parameters as a datasource.

    Can I safely use a Field as a datasource to pass to a subreport or a list element?

    new JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{steps})


  4. I found an answer.

    Originally I had a field that was a localdate.   $F{materialsClose}. I was defining its properties/field class to be:  org.joda.time.LocalDate

    Instead, I set the field class to java.lang.String

    then the "text field expression" for the textField is:  new org.joda.time.LocalDate($F{materialsClose}).toDate()

    set the pattern to the format and voila, a properly formatted LocalDate.

  5. I was hoping that if the joda .jar was in the classpath, then the datetimeformat would be available.

    but no! materialsClose is a joda LocalDate. so its Field Class is org.joda.time.LocalDate.

    I tried this as an attempt to have a formatted date, but

    (new DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MMMM, yyyy").print($F{materialsClose}))

    but the compile error I get is:

    DateTimeFormat.forPattern cannot be resolved to a type.

    I am importing org.joda.time.DateTime. is there something more I have to import?

  6. I have a parameter in a text field


    I set the check box for "Stretch with overflow" and the text box does indeed stretch. However, unless the final line ends in a NewLine, it does not print. The space for the line is there as the next element is floating and moves down to create space leaving a big hole. If I add a newline to the string then the final line prints.

    anyone have an idea? Is there a setting that is making this line not show up unless it is terminated by a newline?

  7. I have watched a few instruction videos and it seems that I need to supply my subreport a JRDataSource. I thought I did it correctly.

    new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource($F{pwoMileStones})

    as the data source expression.

    compiling gives me "Cannot Instantiate the type JRDataSource".

    pwoMileStones is a list.

    First, did I understand correctly and second what do I have to add to my classpath?

  8. I am creating a jasperreport in a webobjects app. so I am feeding my jasperreport Fields and Parameters.

    This is working just fine. One of my Fields is  called    pwoMileStones. This is an array of objects such that pwoMileStones_msDate yields, (2013-01-30 00:00:00 Etc/GMT, 2013-01-29 00:00:00 Etc/GMT, 2013-02-27 00:00:00 Etc/GMT) in my pdf. 

    Basically the object has two attributes,  msDate and msDescription.

    What I want to do is iterate over this array and do something like this

    for (i=0; i< pwoMileStones.count(); i++) {

    pwoMileStones_msDate.value    pwoMileStones_msDescription.value;


    Is this understandable? I want to iterate through the array and print the Strings.


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