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Posts posted by hardcorefs

  1. Don't try to do it in the jasper report, do it in the SQL



    completionDate-startDate as calculateddate,





    Because many of the database to JAVA date systems are bastardizations (you only have to look at the mess the oracle drivers make!!).

    By doing the calculation in SQL it is apples-apples and well documented.


  2.  Try re-scaling them.

    find out the largest negative number, work out an offset to make it positive, then add that offset to ALL numbers.

    (A bit like moving a decimal point, that way all the numbers will still have the same relationship to each other, but they will be positive and can be plotted.)

  3.  It's a cruel trick to get your hopes up.

    1.you need to be able to read Spanish

    2. you need to unzip various parts of the java class files and make modifications with an editor, only to have to zip them up again!!!

    3. there is a propritory library included.

    4. be prepared to spend 4 hours trying to get it working , EVEN if you do understand Spanish.

    5. There is not a single configuration document. but rather two!!

    6. There are some nasty bugs!!



  4.  Hi,

    I have a couple of issues and was interested in community workrounds.


    1. I have3 reprorts each in their own container with related sub reports ,that allows them to be called as base reports, that is to say if I call "fish", then I get a report on FISH.

    Lets say:



    Now if I want a master report  called BASE, that calls each of the reports and builds a concatinated report.

    (yes I know I can use "subreports") BUT there are two issues

    1. Since each report is in its own report container, it appears you CANNOT call them externally from another report if they have subreports, becasue the Jasper Server is not additive on its paths, it can ONLY directly access the  first page of the reports, then after that crashes with XXXXXX file not found. (because if you call FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS, from BASE, JS finds the first base report of each one, but has no knowlage of the path of the subreports making up FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS)

    Or do i have to code a bean that concatinates the subdirectories of each report?


    2. since BASE is the initial report with its own footers & headers, when it calls FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS, the content of FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS are "reduced" and inserted into BASE, so that the headers and footers in FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS appear inside the FOOTERs of BASE, is there not a simple way to just concatanate reports?

    or do i have to code a bean?




  5.  Hi,

    I have a set of data that consists of rows marked "day","night"

    how can I always ensure that "night" is in hte rightmost column, even if "day" is empty, currently if "day" is empty, then night prints on the left.




  6.  Hi,

    I'm drafting a report that  requires three subreports stacked under each other.

    Now to resolve any pagation issues I have a column group to select the right base record.


    group header1


      Subreport 1-3 columns (ALWAYS 200 pix high)


    Subreport 2 -2 columns (variable)


    Subreport 3 -2 columns (variable)

    Group footer1

    This base record is then used to process 3 further SQL selects each one builds a small subreport.

    The issue I have is that the second subreport contains TWO columns DAY/NIGHT  if BOTH columnd are the same length, then the primary report correctly prints the three subreports

    But if the second subreport contains  one colum that is larger, then the report truncates so that both columns are the same length and the remainder of  the longer colum AND the thrd subreport are pagated.

    Yep, you would initially think that the second report has run over the page, BUT it has not, becasue IF iIset  "Run to  bottom" on the second sub report, then it prints BOTH colums to their full length without pagation (including sub report1), BUT then shoves the 3rd sub-report on the next page even though it will fit in some cases.

    What it seems the report needs is some way to FULLY evaluate a subreport with different length columns print if it fits OR PAGEATE, THEN move onto the next subrreport.

    but as it stands it seems the report is only evaluating until both columns of sub report 2 are the same length, even if the main report band hight & subreport height is set to 1


    Why not just use  "Run to bottom" for band two ?

    well the problem is that on some reports the subreport2 may only be  one line, in which case the full report ALWAYS takes two pages even though it WILL fit on page one.

    example report with  sub-report2  Run to bottom=false (combine01.jpg)

    example report with  sub-report2  Run to bottom=true (combine02.jpg)

    It really is making me upset.






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