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Posts posted by jonny64

  1. Hi, We have a construction drawing with fixed border around each page

    (rectangular border required by standarts with some stuff like who created, who signed, page count )

    usually we use background band to draw such border


    When we export do docx page border get lost. In fact, background band contents get ignored, if it overlaps detail band

    (even if it lines are contained withing detail band cells)


    Is this a limitation of docx exporter?

    Is there anything we can do about it (write custom export handler)?

    Are there estimate for fixing it? How much we can pay you to fix this :)?

  2.  I have several reports with complex header like this



    when I export it to either xls or xlsx using Jasper Reports Server it prints like this (Excel 2010):




    Column 1 height should be equal to Column 2 + Header height

    Enviroment: Jasper Reports Server CE 4.5.1, tried latest version (5.0.4) - same (sad) result

    Same thing happens when I export from iReport.

    Do you plan to fix this bug? How can I correctly export such header to Excel (xls or xlsx)?


    I am integrating JR Server with my application. I want to store and deploy report template with my code.

    With this one in mind running a report is a two step process:

    • upload or update existing report template jrxml (it does not have links to other resources like images)
    • run it with my data (this one is done)

    The official documentation doesn't contain a minimal example for updating report template

    What is raw request which uploads/updates report template xml via JasperReports Server REST API?

    here is my raw request

    here is response

    here what I see in /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log

    There is no pre-existed report in /reports folder

    What does 400 error: could not find the binary content for resource: /Reports/product_structures_workshops mean?

    What am I doing wrong?

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