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Posts posted by simonland

  1. Hey,

    I have some problem that some of jasper reports somehow sends twise(some time even triple). I created routine in MYSQL, designed the report in iReport and uploaded it to jaspersoft and created schedule. Some some of the repoprts(heavy query - runs 25 minutes) sends twise or triple, and i can't find the reason for it? Can any one help me with it?



  2.  Hey,

    I have some problem that some of jasper reports somehow sends twise(some time even triple). I created routimne in MYSQL, designed the report in iReport and uploaded it to jaspersoft and created schedule. Some some of the repoprts(heavy query - runs 25 minutes) sends twise or triple, and i can't find the reason for it? Can any one help me with it?





  3.  Hey,

    I have some problem that some of reports that I uploaded to jaspersoft and created for them jobs, are sent twisem but i created only 1 job, what is going on there?

    I tried to recreate the jobs but it didn't help.

    Someone can help to solve it, it is very annoying to reports users.



  4.  I wnat to present presentage of amount in the rwo from total, how I acn do it?

    I tried to do with created total variable and devide the row bu it, but it gives me the comukative totak and not whole column total.

    Anyone can help me?

  5.  I want to add additional data set and use columns from major data set and from the second one, how i can do it?

    I created additional data set but when i add the fileds from it to the details area, it writes me error that the fields are not exists

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