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Posts posted by tdtappe

  1. I added a background section to some report. In this section I put a subreport that contains an image. The strange thing: the subreport (background image) is missing on every second page. Pages 1, 3, 5, ... are fine. The same approach seems to work with another report. But I don't see any major difference between those reports that might cause this behaviour. The background section itself is correctly printed on every page. It looks like as if there was a printWhenExpression on the subreport checking for odd/even page numbers. But of course there isn't such a thing. Any idea?

  2. I am passing a JRBeanCollectionDataSource to a subreport. How can I access the datasource resp. its collection as a whole inside the subreport?

    I would like for instance check all items to see if a special header is to be printed or not.


  3. Sorry for posting to such an old discussion. But I have the same "carry over" - problem as described above.

    Unfortunately the mentioned sample report does not or no longer exist? Can anybody help?


  4. Every time I need to update the fields of a JavaBean Datasource report I need to reenter the name of the class the bean datasource is based on. Is there a way to let iReport remember this class name? Or have at least a list of most recently used class names?

    Using iReport 4.5.0


  5. I've got some subreport (in a group header) that sometimes need to be splitted if it doesn't fit on the page. In this case I do run into the following exception:


    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: stack corruption. Is class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRContinuationSubreportRunner instrumented for javaflow?
        at org.apache.commons.javaflow.bytecode.StackRecorder.execute(StackRecorder.java:102) [commons-javaflow-20060411.jar:]
        at org.apache.commons.javaflow.Continuation.continueWith(Continuation.java:170) [commons-javaflow-20060411.jar:]
        at org.apache.commons.javaflow.Continuation.startWith(Continuation.java:129) [commons-javaflow-20060411.jar:]
        at org.apache.commons.javaflow.Continuation.startWith(Continuation.java:102) [commons-javaflow-20060411.jar:]
        at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRContinuationSubreportRunner.start(JRContinuationSubreportRunner.java:53) [jasperreports-4.1.2.jar:]


    If no splitting is needed everything's fine. Also if I switch to multi-threaded subreport runner factory.


    Any idea what to do?



    JasperReports 4.1.2

    JavaFlow 20060411

    JBoss 7.0.2.Final

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