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Posts posted by rdinwiddie

  1. I was using iReport 4.1.3 and just upgraded to 4.5.0 but the issue persists... I have a Static Text box that is justify aligned. Some of the text is italicized using <style isItalic="true" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Oblique"> and this works fine when I do the PDF preview.

    The problem is the text that is bolded and justified. ONLY when text is bold, the justify alignment breaks as such:

    There are several
    lines of text and
    they are justified

    When I change this text to <style isBold="true" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold"> it comes out:

    There are several
    lines of text and
    they are
    j u s t i f i e d

    Again, this only happens when the text is bolded. I've also tried making a separate static text box and making the entire thing bold, and the same thing happens, so it's not the in-line style tags. Has anyone else seen this? Is there a solution?

    In addition, I've found that on one line that is not styled in any way, when I justify the text, the last period moves to the next line instead of staying put. So I get:


    instead of just "officer." If I left-justify, it's fine; if I add more text to that sentence, it's fine; but justified, it always puts the period on the next line. It doesn't do this for any other text in the field, and it continues to do it even if I separate out that sentence (which wraps to 3 lines total) into its own Static Text box without anything else.

    Post Edited by rdinwiddie at 01/27/2012 22:05
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