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Posts posted by lzf

  1. I am extremely new at iReports and Jasper Reports.  I just downloaded the former yesterday, and have been digging into it today.  I'm very much at a loss, because I see no way to add new content to the canvas.  When I examine a couple of tutorials that I have, they say that I should be able to go to the Edit menu and choose "Insert Element" in order to add lines, rectangles, etc...  But my Edit menu has no such option.  It only has the standard things like Find, Copy, Paste, Delete, etc... 

    If I didn't know better, I'd say that I had my hands on a stripped-down version of iReports that wouldn't be fully functional until I ponied up some cash.  But according to the website, iReports is free, and distributed under the GPL.  So my suppositoin would be that my version should be fully functional.  What am I missing?  How do I do something as basic as adding new content to the canvas?

    Thanks for any assistance,


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