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Posts posted by lwang2012

  1.  Hi All:

    I am freshman in Jasper, thanks for your reply in advance.

    I have one 'single select query' input control, but there are too many entries (over 50,000) in this dropdown, so it is very slow.

    So I would like an on-demand dropdown, such as firslty load first 10000, then load another 10000 with sroll-down by users...;

    or implement it as an editable dropdown, then users do not need to sroll down to find one entry and he can direclty type one.



    Thanks for your reply. 

    Post Edited by leiwang2012 at 04/10/2012 13:07
  2.  I got error saying the result row is over 200,000, so the query was cancelled.


    It seems that crosstab does not support paging, right?

    The reason I used crosstab, instead of table, is: I just want the sum column, I do not want its orginal rows. In table, it will always show the original row and the sum.


  3.  Hi All:

    I would like to implements the cascading input controls. My requirement is: I have Input Control A and B. A is a drpdown list, the choice of A could be capable of determining B is visible or not.

    My question is:

    If can I implement this requirement in JasperReport Server and iReport? (so far per my understanding the answer to this question is 'No'); 

    If so, how?


    I appreciate your help. Thanks.

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