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Posts posted by ADR707

  1. Hi,

    I'm getting the following error while trying the above steps,

    Can anyone help.


    Error Message


    com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: jxl.read.biff.BiffException: Unable to recognize OLE stream


    Error Trace


    com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: jxl.read.biff.BiffException: Unable to recognize OLE stream at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXlsDataSource.(JRXlsDataSource.java:105) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXlsDataSource.(JRXlsDataSource.java:129) at net.sf.jasperreports.data.xls.XlsDataAdapterService.contributeParameters(XlsDataAdapterService.java:100) at

  2. Hi

    I have the same issue as yana.

    I'm using db2jcc.jar. I have also added it to the classpath, but still the same error.

    I guess I need to use db2java.jar instead of db2jcc.jar; but unable to find that jar.

    Can any one help me out with this.


  3. Hi..

    I'm facing an issue while passing a parameter of collection type from a crosstab element in ireports.

    A field in crosstab is used as a hyperlink to pass few parameters to the other report. The parameters are of String, Date and one is of Collection type. All the parameters other than the collection type are passed to the new report successfully; but the parameter of collection type is always send as blank and all the data from this parameter gets lost in transit. I am not able to solve this issue.

    Can anyone help me out with solving this..


  4. Hi..

    I'm working on a similar requirement. I'm using the cosstab column title as a hyperlink. In my crosstab report each column title represents a new 'location name'. What I want is, clicking on each locaion name the specific chart of that location should be created. The chart is in a subreport.

    Now my issue is I wanna pass the location name from cross tab column title(which is $V{Location name}) to be passed to the subreport.

    How to do it? I cannot use the variable  $V{Location name} locally defined by the crosstab, anywhere.

    Can you help me on this?



  5. Hey hi,

    I have started woking with ireports, and I'm stuck at a point, need some help.

    I'm trying to create a report, using ireport 4.0.1and jasper server 4.1. The report has few cascading parameters.  While passing the value of a parameters I need to pass the unique Id as well as the name/value of the parameter. (For e.g. 1. cityID, cityName 2. storeID, storeName and so on..). i.e I pass the ID and display the names in the input controls (Because ID makes no sense to the user). The report works fine in report designer as well as on the server. But the issue starts when I try to save the selected value of the input controls. When I select the value and hit 'save' it gets saved, but  When I try to run the report with the saved parameters then the input control displays IDs instead of the name/value. 

    I somehow found a work around of this, but for that I must use my very first parameter as a multi-select parameter. But my requirement is that the very first parameter (city), always has to be a single select. Hence this issue gets solved by using $X{...} instead of $P{..}, but creates more issues for me.., as I cannot allow the user to select multiple cities.

    Can any one help me out with this, 

    (Please refer to the attached jrxml for more clarification.).

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