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Posts posted by nitinsahu

  1. Hi,

    Is there any way we can call js-export or js-import tools from java code may be using web services or normal way so to get the exported files. It seems like this js-export has lots of dependencies and becuase of that I'm unable to call the same from my java class. Actually my aim is to export the file from jasperserver and put it in client's machine (may be using ireport) so that it can put it in SVN or CVS repository, this way I can remove the dependency of always going back to jasperserver for importing and exporting jasper solutions.

    Did anyone tried doing the same or any pointers in implementing this solution?



    Nitin Sahu

  2. Hi Rida,


    You need to change the subreports.folder value as "repo:" and upload your subreport as a resource to the same report. This will solve your issue. For example: your subreport location should be "repo:Sub_TotalSummary.jasper".



    Nitin Sahu

  3. Hi Jasemilly,


    Yes this is possible.... If you are using jasperserver then try to login with demo/demo. This will navigate you to sample dashboard (Note: You can always disable the links like view and create).


    Please let me know if this helps.



    Nitin Sahu

  4. Hi Guys,

    I want to create a new input control same like the existing one in jasper server. Has anyone in the community tried creating the same (any jasperserver plugin)?

    Please guide me on how to start. I know we can customized the input control by creating a new JSP page and call this in your report but we can not use the same JSP page in dashboard desiger.


    Any pointer in this will be highly appreciated.


    Nitin Sahu

  5. Hi Fabs,


    This is a default behavior of Jasper server. If you don't want the prompt screen then you can do so by un-checking the "always prompt" option. Follow the steps for unchecking the option


    1. Go to jasperserver and then to your allaccounts reports

    2. Click on edit option

    3. Go to "Controls & Resources" tab

    4. Just above Optional JSP Location you will see a check box for "Always Prompt" - uncheck that.

    5. click on submit


    Your problem is resolved.



    Nitin Sahu

  6. Thanks for the reply... I'm actually using jasperserver's professional edition 4.1.0. So in my case it is jasperserver-pro.root but don't you think this will impact jasper server. As I found in many places jasper is using jasperserver-pro.root as variable. For example <tomcat>/webapps/mynewname/WEB-INF/log4j.properties.
  7. simonabertozzi

    I've got the same problem: I uploaded some reports I made with iReport 4.1, and JasperReports Server 4.2.1 doesn't show the line chart. I tried with another report that was using Fusion Maps and it was fine, so I guess the problem is just with Charts Pro.

    The strange thing is, when I tried doing a completely new report with iReport 4.2 and Charts Pro, I got no problem whatsoever.

    Is there some incompatibility between 4.1 (iReport) and 4.2 (JasperReports Server)?

    Yes, even I faced the same issue. The chart prepared in 4.1 is not working in 4.2. I had to recreate the same chart with slight change.

    Change: The Display field (inside Chart Pro) must be of string type.

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