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Posts posted by rmiller

  1. I have attached a file with information about AWS instance sizes. I would say that the minimum you will need is is an m1.large with 7.5 GB RAM.

    BTW, AWS is moving to the M3 instances. You should consider for yourself. Here's what AWS says about it:

    "M3 instances provide better, more consistent performance than M1 instances for most use-cases. M3 instances also offer SSD-backed instance storage that delivers higher I/O performance. M3 instances are also less expensive than M1 instances. Due to these reasons, we recommend M3 for applications that require general purpose instances with a balance of compute, memory, and network resources."


  2. You have only 4 GB RAM on an m1.medium instance, which is minimal for large data sets like yours. 
    Most of the OOMs (OutOfMemoryError) before today are in the PermGen space so you will have to increase that, you probably have 512M at this time, increase it to 1024M. 
    Starting today the OOMs are all in the heap space, which is what caused the server to freeze. You probably have only 2 GB maximum heap which is way to small to handle 11M row result sets. 
    It looks like you will have to move to a larger EC2 instance with enough RAM to handle your needs.
  3. That depends on which version and which license. For the community version, not out of the box, though it would not be difficult to implement if you have programing chops. For the pro version you have to have auditing enabled in your license, then you can use the audit reports to see when the last time a report was rrun.

  4. Using the HTTP API to display reports is much easier that using REST, so you may want to go that route.


    Having said that, there is sample code at the bottom of the "Getting Started with the REST Web Service API" page. You'll have to download and install Maven to run it but otherwise it's pretty straight forward. You can also find sample client code in the samples folder in the distribution.

  5. Thinking about your comment above where you say that when you lose the parameters when you click the refresh (reset) button, it makes sense because the server knows nothing about the parmeters sent in the URL and when you click on reset it just uses the default parameters. You will have to override the refresh button in your application to send the parameters again.  You can remove the refresh button from the tool bar  by editing /WEB-INF/jsp/modules/viewReport/ViewReport.jsp and comment out the following line:

                     <ul class="list buttonSet">
                        <li class="leaf"><button id="dataRefreshButton" type="submit" title="<spring:message code="jasper.report.view.button.data.refresh" javaScriptEscape="true"/>" class="button capsule up"><span class="wrap"><span class="icon"></span></span></button></li>
  6. Click on the XML tab and look at line 226, column 37 to see what the error might be.

    Another tip is to change the language from the default Groovy to Java, which sometimes gives a more detailed error giving you a better clue as to what's wrong. To change the language click on the main report node in the Report Inspector and click on the Language menu in the properties (near the bottom) and change the language to Java.

  7. When you logged in as superuser from CAS it created a second superuser account in organization_1 with only ROLE_USER permissions. A workaround for this is to:

    1. Remove the CAS configuration from applicationContext-security.xml and applicationContext-security-web.xml (if you backed up the original files this is easy).

    2. Restart the server and login as superuser.

    3. Modify the organizaion_1 superuser and add ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR and ROLE_SUPERUSER.

    4. Restore the CAS configuration.

    5. Restart the server and login, via CAS, as superuser.


    You now have full superuser permissions

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